MSESP Grantee Webinar April 2, 2013
Agenda Record Webinar Welcome Administrative Updates Job Placement/Retention Follow-ups Getting to Know You: WDI – Alignment and Expansion of Trades Academy and Welding Skills in SE MN Participant/Outcome Projection Updates Green Job Search Update: BlueGreen Alliance Foundation RAD Update Grantee Updates Next Meeting
Administrative Updates Video project Update Project Summary/Booklet Update Regional meetings and statewide capstone event SAVE THE DATE! May 15 th at the State Capitol for our culminating event! Grantee expectations for May 15 Incumbent Worker Survey
Job Placement/Retention Follow-ups Update from WDI Remember to send details of those you would like help with
Getting to Know You… Workforce Development, Inc. Alignment and Expansion of Trades Academy and Welding Skills in SE MN Becky Thofson
Alignment & Expansion of Trades Academy and Welding Skills in SE MN Addressing Welding skill shortages April 2, 2013 Workforce Development, Inc.
PARTNERS: Workforce Development, Inc. – Rochester Southern Minnesota Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee Riverland, Rochester, South Central and Southeast Tech Colleges McNeilus Steel and RDM of Minnesota Other business partners across the region
Project Components: Pre-employment Trades Academy on site at WFC or colleges College level welding classes leading to American Welding Society certification D1.1 Assistance with specific jobsearch classes and OJT’s
Pre-employment Trades Academy Recruitment primarily through WFC Silver level National Career Readiness Certificate Career opportunities and expectations within the region Emphasis on safety training 10 hour OSHA and forklift driving certifications Referral back to WFC for jobsearch assistance and OJT opportunity
Welding Training Partnered with each of the 4 community colleges within our region to hold Academies and Welding classes in Albert Lea, Faribault, Owatonna, Rochester, Red Wing and Winona Reached capacity with the welding labs within the region this spring Hands on training with expectations for attendance and attitude Goal is AWS D1.1 certification Business partners identified this level
Welding Training
Results (all MSESP projects) Trades Academies Solar Installer Program Pre-apprenticeship “Boot Camp” Total enrollments222 Total terms161 Total placements109 Still in jobsearch or classes 62* * 41 enrolled 1 st quarter 2013
Lessons learned: Follow-up begins before classes end The certificates are very important to the student NCRC Forklift OSHA Academy completion Welding completion AWS certifications On the Job Training contracts take time to develop Local Shoppers are good resource for recruiting
Where are we now? Academy classes continue with OSHA and Forklift certifications (No welding capacity) Heavy emphasis on Placements and Follow-ups Hope to sustain the project with additional funding Thankful for the opportunity to develop the relationships – both with business and with colleges
CONTACT INFORMATION: Becky Thofson Workforce Development, Inc
Participant Update Plan TotalActual 4/1/13 Plan Outcomes by Percentage Actual Outcomes by Percentage 4/1/13 Participants Enrolled % Participants Completed % (of those served) 79% # Receiving Credentials % (of those completing education/training 90% Participants Placed/ Incumbent Workers Retained Jobs / % (of those completing education/training) 46% / 72% (2 nd figure includes incumbents) # Retaining Employment 2 qtrs % (of those placed in unsubsidized employment) 65% Grantee Expenditures$4,804,912 (awarded) $4,105,943 (February expenditures) 85% expended
April 1, 2013
Green Job Search Update Jerome Balsimo BlueGreen Alliance Foundation
Reports/RAD Updates o Job Placements – make sure to report these o Job Retention Follow-ups o Quarterly Narrative Report due April 15
Grantee Updates Let us know what is happening with your MSESP project
Next Grantee Webinar Tuesday, May 7, :00 AM