By Max and Trayton Living Like Lions
Happy Hunting The females are the only part of the pride that hunt. When hunting, lions may lead their prey into different parts of their pride and trap it. If the pride is hungry enough they can actually take down a whole elephant! Baby cubs start hunting around the age of 1. Lions eat such big meals they can go with out food for up to a week!
Powerful Pride Lions are the only cats that live in groups. Mostly the male lions fight to protect their pride. Cubs can feed off of other moms milk. Usually there are only three male lions in a pride. All the female lions are related in a pride.
Super Species There are 12 resent subspecies of lions. The largest lion species is the Barbary. The major deference about lions are is where they live. Eight lions species are known today.
Super Strength Lions are the largest of the cat family. Lions are known for their roar. The lion’s roar can be heard from a mile away. Male lions weigh between 300, and 550 pounds. Lions have up to 30 teeth.
Fun Facts! Lions have been known to breed with tigers. Lions normally walk 2.4 miles per hour. Most lions hunts fail. Male lions that are darker are older. Lions are the cats in the cat family who have fur.
Resources we used! Wikipedia National Geographic MSN. Encarta