valid No patrons of fast-food restaurants are health food addicts. Consequently, none of them are connoisseurs of fine desserts, since all connoisseurs of fine desserts are health food addicts. all connoisseurs of fine desserts are health food addicts No patrons of fast-food restaurants are health food addicts No Patrons of FFR are Connoisseurs of fine food. A C H E P H E P C AEE 2 valid
Some intelligible statements are false, because no meaningful ones are unintelligible and some meaningful statements are not true. some meaningful statements are not true statements no meaningful statements are unintelligible statements Some intelligible statements are false statements Five terms, not three But that;s invalid for I Contrapose the conclusion: Obvert both the conclusion and the minor premise: Minor: all meaningful statements are intelligible statements Conclusion: some intelligible statements are not true statements
all meaningful statements are intelligible statements some meaningful statements are not true statements all meaningful statements are intelligible statements some intelligible statements are not true statements O M T A M I O I T OAO 3 Valid? Two negative premises? Negative conclusion? Negative premise? Middle term distributed? Anything distributed in the conclusion but not in the premise?