Stuart Saves His Family
STEVE FRANKLIN, M.S.W., L.C.S.W Gravois Ave St. Louis, MO FAX
Stuart Saves His Family Introduction: Steve Franklin, MSW, LCSW Movie Chris Clark, Artistic Director Cinema Saint Louis ( ) Dan Duncan, NCADA ( ) Steve Franklin, moderating Q&A and audience comments
Stuart Saves His Family Based on Saturday Night Live character Created and Performed by (Senator) Al Franken Adapted from his book:
Stuart Saves His Family I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me! Daily Affirmations With Stuart Smalley.
Stuart Saves His Family Stuart is a member of several “12-Step Groups”
Stuart Saves His Family Programs designed to help people recover from addiction, compulsion, or other behavioral problems… Based on the principles of Alcoholics Anonymous
Step 1 - Powerless 2 - Greater Power 3 – Decide to turn over problems 4 - Searching and fearless moral inventory 5 - Admit to our wrongs 6 –Ready to have God remove defects
Step 7 - Ask God to remove shortcomings 8 - List of persons we harmed, willing to make amends 9 - Made amends wherever possible 10 - Promptly admitted new wrongs 11 - Conscious contact with God as we understood God 12- Carry this message to other addicts
12-Step Groups AA - Alcoholics Anonymous STL: ACA - Adult Children of Alcoholics Al-Anon/Alateen, friends/family of alcoholics
CA - Cocaine Anonymous CLA - Clutterers Anonymous CMA - Crystal Meth Anonymous Co-Anon, for friends and family of addicts CoDA - Co-Dependents Anonymous, for people working to end patterns of dysfunctional relationships and develop functional and healthy relationships
COSA - formerly Codependents of Sex Addicts COSLAA - CoSex and Love Addicts Anonymous DA - Debtors Anonymous DRA – Dual Recovery Anonymous EA - Emotions Anonymous; mental and emotional illness
EHA - Emotional Health Anonymous FA - Families Anonymous- relatives/friends of addicts FA - Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous FAA - Food Addicts Anonymous GA - Gamblers Anonymous Gam-Anon/Gam-A-Teen— friends/family members of problem gamblers
HA - Heroin Anonymous MA - Marijuana Anonymous NA - Narcotics Anonymous Nar-Anon-friends/family members of addicts
NicA - Nicotine Anonymous OA - Overeaters Anonymous OLGA - Online Gamers Anonymous PA - Pills Anonymous- prescription pill addiction. SA - Sexaholics Anonymous
SCA - Sexual Compulsives Anonymous SIA - Survivors of Incest Anonymous SLAA - Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous UA – Under-earners Anonymous WA - Workaholics Anonymous
I go to Al-Anon, a 12-step program for family members and friends of alcoholics. ----Al Franken
Franni Franken: Campaign Ad When I was struggling with my recovery, Al stood right by my side and he stood up for me. After what we went through, Al wrote two beautiful movies. And he wrote them because he wanted to help people…. “
The other movie: “When A Man Loves A Woman”, 1994
Al Franken: One valuable thing I learned in Al-Anon is that you can learn stuff from people who aren't necessarily smarter than you. Which is kind of an obvious thing, but I didn't understand that.
Al Franken: I'd be in an Al-Anon meeting and I'd hear somebody say something and I'd be very judgmental and say, "Oh, that person's an idiot," and a month later that same person would say something that would touch me very deeply.
Al Franken: I was brought up to do well in school, and you learn from people who know more than you, and that's about it. So Stuart is kind of a character that people can learn stuff from, even though he's an idiot. For every hundred steps forward, he takes 99 backward, but he does end up one step ahead.
Al Franken: There's a part of me that's definitely Stuart … that's very lame, that worries I'll never live up to my expectations for myself and that I'm a lousy father. I worry about all sorts of stupid things I don't need to worry about. I have a real love for Stuart… And I think what's funny about him is just externalizing all this lameness I have inside me."
Questions to Ponder How much is Stuart’s family realistic or an exaggeration? Does it feel OK to laugh at the dysfunction? Does Stuart have a clinical psychological disorder? (Personality Disorder? PTSD/Trauma? Anxiety Disorder?…???)
Melody Beattie In all his struggles and innocence and sincerity, and dedication, Stuart made me laugh. He helped me see myself in a new light. He gave me hope. He helped me appreciate the Stuart in me. And that’s okay.
Stuart Saves His Family "You'll laugh because it's not your family,
Stuart Saves His Family "You'll laugh because it's not your family, you'll cry because it is.