Parts of a motherboard Motherboards connect the diverse elements of a PC, enabling them to communicate with one another and work together. Motherboards have easily identifiable slots designed to fit the various PC components that need to communicate, indicating the CPU, memory, hard drive, and video card. Each component slot is easily identifiable. Motherboards have external ports that enable input devices such as mice and keyboards to communicate with the system.
CPU socket/slot Slotted – older Athlon, Celeron Socketed – current Pentium 4, Athlon XP, Dual Cores CPU fan connector Small three- or four-wire power connector Plugging incorrectly will cook the fan or short the power connector Memory slots ATX – have two to four black slots Also DIMM or RIMM slots Power connector - P1 power connector only powers the CPU and memory
EIDE and FDD ports Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics Floppy Disk Drive EIDE – 40 pins FDD – 34 pins Chipset Two chips: Northbridge and Southbridge Northbridge – helps CPU work with RAM Southbridge – handles expansion devices and mass storage VIA Technologies (brand) Expansion slots (AGP, PCI, CNR) Accelerated Graphics Port – for 32bit, 66-MHz connections for video cards Peripheral Component Interconnect – general purpose, 33-MHz slots Communications and Networking Riser – for Internet and small network connections
Date and Time Battery Enables system to reatin accurate date and time settings Flash ROM BIOS (Basic Input Output System) – a small set of code that enables the CPU to communicate properly with the devices built into the motherboard. AMI, Award BIOS and Phoenix (brand) Front Panel Connectors Power and reset buttons, power and hard drive activity lights and the tiny speaker. Jumpers and DIP switches Jumper – a pair of wires that you enable or disable by placing a small plastic and metal shunt over both wires. DIP switch – a little plastic box, often blue, with tiny switches.
External Ports PS/2 – two small round ports on the edge closest to the CPU mini-DIN ports Green – mouse plug, purple – keyboard plug Parallel and serial ports Parallel – 25-pin, D-shaped female port (printer and scanner) Serial – 9-pin, male port (mouse) USB (Universal Serial Bus) – enables you to connect up to 127 different devices at the same time Network Port – Internet connection via a standard RJ-45 port Sound and Game Ports Green (speaker), pink (microphone), blue (line-in) Game port – 15-pin, two row, female, D-shaped port
Types of Motherboard The ATX mother board is the most common motherboard form factor The ATX form factor was developed from the earlier AT form factor. AT motherboards were original motherboards for PC system. Baby AT motherboards were smaller, but did not solve the problematic issues with the AT design.
Form Factors The form factor usually defines a motherboard's size, shape and how it is mounted to the case, but now includes: size, shape and function of the system case type, placement and size of the power supply system power requirements location and type of external connectors case airflow and cooling systems. A backplane is a circuit board into which other circuit boards can be plugged.
AT Old-style computer motherboard Invented by IBM Large keyboard plug (DIN connector), split P8/P9 style power socket Baby AT Smaller AT version ATX Standard motherboard form factor at present time MicroATX Smaller version of ATX Less expensive FlexATX Created by Intel, 1999 9x7.5 inches dimension For lowest cost computers
AT motherboard Baby AT above AT
AT and ATX microATX
Install a motherboard in a system Installing a motherboard requires four things: Research, preparation, common sense and patience Make certain that you have the proper case for you motherboard form factor, antistatic protection, and the standout screws and standard screws ready and waiting. Use common sense: don’t force something if it doesn’t seem to want to go in easily. Be patient and through; check and double check your connections to make certain that they line up, and that you have the parts oriented properly. It is often easier on the tech and the motherboard to install the CPU, CPU fan, and RAM on a motherboard before installing the motherboard in the case.
Review Questions 1. The original form factor for a PC motherboard was the. a) AT b) Baby AT c) ATX d) LBX
Review Questions 2. Which external port is usually used for printers? a) Serial b) Parallel c) Game d) Print
Review Questions 3. Which port allows simultaneous connection of up to 127 devices? a) USB b) Parallel c) Serial d) Game
Review Questions 4. Which port on the motherboard provides a standardized interface for hard drives? a) FFD b) AGP c) PCI d) EIDE
Review Questions 5. What portion of the motherboard connects to the power supply? a) P8/P9 power connector b) P1 power connector c) P4 power connector d) P1/P2 power connector
Review Questions 6. What portions of a motherboard can enable or disable some built-in devices? a) Jump switches b) Serial switches c) Jumpers d) Parallel switches
Review Questions 7. What is the generic name for DIMM slots and RIMM slots? a) Memory slots b) AGP slots c) PCI slots d) P8/P9 slots
Review Questions 8. What is the name of the keyboard connector on an AT motherboard? a) Flex b) PS/2 c) P8 d) DIN