UEB: It Doesn’t Have To Be A Mystery Dan Brown Blindness Product Specialist (800) , X 272
2 Agenda: The Importance of Braille. UEB Resources. UEB Changes UEB on the BrailleNote Apex nd Mountbatten Learning System Product Demonstrations: BrailleNote Apex and MountBatten Learning System. Q and A.
Is Braille Still Relevant? National Braille Press: “Braille Literacy plays the same Key Role in a Blind person’s life, that Print Literacy does in a sighted person’s – it Increases Opportunities.”
Although Recorded Material, and Computers with Screen-readers are Important Sources of Information for Blind people: Only Braille allows for Complete Command of Written Language
Benefits of Braille Literacy Spelling Punctuation Reading Comprehension Just as with a sighted students reading print: blind students should use Braille Only Improved Grammar 5
UEB Resources Braille Authority of North America: This page provides UEB rules and guidelines, available courses, and state plans for UEB implementation. Example Documents: The Gettysburg Address, Pumpkin Pie Recipe, I Have A Dream, Papa John's Online Menu, and The Wizard of Oz, chapter 1. UEB Reader 6
UEB Changes Most changes were made to ensure consistency. For example, period is always Dots 2,5,6. Other changes make braille more similar to print. For example, a, and, for, of, the, and with are no longer joined together. Dot formations of some other symbols were changed to avoid the necessity for special spacing rules. 7
UEB Changes Nine contractions are no more! BY INTO TO BLE COM DD ATION ALLY O’C 8
BrailleNote Apex KeySoft: Simplicity and accessibility- includes 14 audio & braille applications Print or emboss documents via USB or Bluetooth Context Sensitive Help available at all times Ergonomic, efficient braille input & output Removable media slots: SD & USB Create professionally formatted documents Oxford Concise Dictionary & Thesaurus
UEB On The BrailleNote Apex Press Space with O, Options Menu Press B, Braille Options Space down to “Preferred English Braille Code.” Press Space with Dots 3,4 until “UEB” is shown. Press Enter. Press Space with E, Exit. 10
Mountbatten Learning System Fun and Inclusive Introduction to Braille Literacy - Links Technology and Braille as Life Skills Develops Awareness of Braille Characters- Using Speech Output to Reinforce Learning Useful from Pre-School through to High School and Beyond
Ergonomic Keyboard Auditory Feedback Forward & Back Translation Memory to save files Hard copy Braille output Easy Correct Function Key Features of Mountbatten
UEB On The Mountbatten Learning System Ensure that you are in Advanced Mode. Press Command, ADV, Enter. Select UEB. Press Command, DFLN OZ, Enter. 13
Visit the BrailleNote Tutorials page: usa/support/braillenote_apex/tutorials usa/support/braillenote_apex/tutorials Visit the Mountbatten Tutorials page: usa/support/mountbatten usa/support/mountbatten Call Us: For More Information - Contact Us!
Demonstrations BrailleNote Apex Mountbatten Learning System HumanWare confidential / 15
Questions? Discussion... 16