What do you need to get started? PODCASTING What is it? Who is it for? How does it work? What do you need to get started?
PODCASTING What is Podcasting? Podcasting is the method of distributing multimedia files, such as audio or video programs, over the Internet using syndication feeds, for playback on personal computers and mobile devices. Podcasting is kind of like - radio your way.
PODCASTING The term as originally coined by Ben Hammersley in an article in the Guardian on February 12, 2004, was meant as a morph of "broadcasting" and "iPod". The term podcast, like 'radio', can mean both the content and the method of delivery.
PODCASTING How does it work? Podcasts are radio-style shows — some from major media, others from passionate individuals — delivered over the Internet to your computer. Unlike streaming audio, which requires you to listen in real time, podcasting lets you control how and when you hear your favorite shows. Podcasts are registered on the Web and your favorite shows can automatically be made available on your computer where you can load them onto a portable playback device like an iPod
PODCASTING How does it work? Simply record your source material via a computer audio interface, like the Alesis Podcasting kits, onto a computer audio recording software program. Produce it to the best of your ability and then upload the completed recording on a PODCAST internet portal for others to download and listen to whenever they choose
PODCASTING Who uses it (who can use it)? Just about anyone who wants to use the internet to get their ideas in spoken word, music, video or all of these to anyone willing to listen via the internet. Example – Entertainers, Business, Educators, Politicians, News Providers, Marketers, Religious Organizations
Podcasting Check out this article about Purdue University: "Many universities are experimenting with podcasting, but I'm not aware of any other university that is deploying a podcasting service on the scale that we are," says Michael Gay, manager of Broadcast Networks & Services for Information Technology at Purdue. "As far as I know, we are the only university that is offering both streaming and podcasting of lectures in this manner as a central university service." http://www.podcast.net/ - One of many Podcast directories with listings by category or alphabetically.
PODCASTING What do you need to get started and create a podcast? A computer with a High Speed Internet connection (DSL, Cable, etc.) Equipment Designed to Record Audio into your Computer, i.e.: Interface and/or Mixer, Microphone, headphones or studio monitors. (An example of a bundled hardware and software system are the Alesis PODCASTING Kits). Software to record, edit and save incoming audio as an MP3 File. (also in the Alesis Kits) An upload service that gets the MP3 up on a Website and disperse your Podcast to the Web. (Cyberears.com can help you publish and syndicate your Podcast also in the Alesis Kits) The rest is up to you. Produce the material, upload your material - GET FAMOUS!
PODCASTING Podcasting Kits from Alesis USB Podcasting Kit Alesis takes the guesswork out of podcasting with the easy-to-use USB podcasting kit. This kit includes an 8-Channel USB Mixer, dynamic microphone, desktop microphone stand, mic cable, headphones, carrying case and CuBase LE recording software - everything that you need for professional recordings of your podcasts. The MultiMix USB Mixer can send up to 2 tracks (8 channels of input mixed down to stereo through USB) of audio simultaneously to your computer. You can record, mix, and edit your show with the included CuBase LE software. The Alesis Podcasting kit also comes with 30 days of free podcast hosting on www.alesispodcast.com. This provides the novice, as well as professional, podcaster an easy-to-use solution for hosting and promoting podcasts. During your 30 day free trail you can post up to 500Mb of Podcast episodes with unlimited bandwidth! The Alesis Podcasting Center also makes it easy to upload and promote your podcasts. No tricky third party software to embed your XML files. Just register and upload your MP3's. As the file uploads to the server it will automatically aggregate the file out to the web (iTunes, Podcast Alley, web search engines, etc.) so everyone will know about your new show.
Podcasting USB Podcasting Kit Alesis MultiMix 8USB mixer: 8 channel mixer with 16Bit /44.1kHz two channel recording direct to your computer Dynamic microphone with desktop microphone stand and cable Podcasting software for easy creation and management of one’s podcasts Cubase LE general purpose recording software $249.00 MAP $50.00 Cash Back Rebate 11/1 – 12/31, 2006
PODCASTING Podcasting Kits from Alesis FireWire Podcasting Kit Alesis takes the guesswork out of podcasting with the easy-to-use FireWire podcasting kit. This kit includes an 8-Channel Firewire Mixer, dynamic microphone, desktop microphone stand, mic cable, headphones, carrying case and CuBase LE recording software - everything that you need for professional recordings of your podcasts. The MultiMix Firewire Mixer can send up to 8 tracks of audio simultaneously to your computer, allowing you to have discrete audio tracks to mix in your CuBase LE software. The Alesis Podcasting kit also comes with 30 days of free podcast hosting on www.alesispodcast.com. This provides the novice, as well as professional, podcaster an easy-to-use solution for hosting and promoting podcasts. During your 30 day free trail you can post up to 500Mb of Podcast episodes with unlimited bandwidth! The Alesis Podcasting Center also makes it easy to upload and promote your podcasts. No tricky third party software to embed your XML files. Just register and upload your MP3's. As the file uploads to the server it will automatically aggregate the file out to the web (iTunes, Podcast Alley, web search engines, etc) so everyone will know about your new show.
Podcasting FireWire Podcasting Kit Alesis MultiMix 8 FireWire mixer: 8 channel mixer with 24Bit /44.1/48kHz eight channel recording direct to your computer Dynamic microphone with desktop microphone stand and cable Podcasting software for easy creation and management of podcasts Cubase LE general purpose recording software $399.00 MAP $100.00 Cash Back Rebate 11/1 – 12/31, 2006