Moodle Day 2010 [ Wednesday 23 June 2010 ] e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office
1.To provide an opportunity for staff across the university to discuss the use of Moodle in learning, teaching and administration 2.Showcase a number of different practitioner approaches as a means of disseminating good practice 3.Provide the opportunity for staff to take the ideas discussed and explore how to embed these in their practice 4.Outline the Moodle service for the forthcoming academic year e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Aims
Welcome, Introductions & Moodle update Short Presentations – 13.30Lunch – 15.00Breakout sessions e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Schedule
Developing Skills [BUCS Training Rooms, 2 South] - First steps with Moodle – designing your Moodle course - Hands on sessions with more advanced features Learning & Context [6W 1.2] - Communicating with students: from public forums to private txts - Blending the physical and virtual learning spaces e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Afternoon sessions
e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Other information For tweets and blog posts: #eatbathmd10 Presentations and recordings available at: Evaluation Form
e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office A brief history Moodle introduced as the institutional VLE at the beginning of the 2006/2007 academic year Users authenticated via LDAP - 13,000+ active users - 4,000+ Moodle courses Integrations - Moodle-SAMIS - Panopto - Edutxt - Second Life on development server
Improving service performance Improving communication with users Moodle Development Plan 2010 [ ] Other initiatives and projects e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office What we’ve been doing [2009/10]
Developing SOOT Integration with Turnitin Single Sign On Development of Moodle Archiving & Backup policy [ includes two housekeeping related projects ] Academic Restructuring related modifications e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office What we’ve been delivering [2009/10]
e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office delayed to August 2010 ongoing on moodle-test server ongoing [ ] scheduled for 29 June; includes 1.1 Single Sign On ongoing
2.0 e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Where we’re going
[ slide presented at MoodleMoot UK 2010 ]
e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Moodle Assignment Activity Vic Jenkins Learning Technologist
Early adopters Local challenges and good practice Understanding of stakeholder needs Varying processes e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Moodle Assignment Activity Before… Then…Now…Next…
‘How is the Assignment Activity being used?’ Case studies Working paper in Opus: “Factors to consider for the effective use of the Moodle assignment activity” How To guides More comprehensive Moodle FAQs e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Before… Then…Now…Next… Moodle Assignment Activity
e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Moodle Assignment Activity Before… Then…Now…Next…
Moving forwards… Report in Opus: “What functionality do staff and students want from an online submission system?” More FAQs How To guides e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Moodle Assignment Activity Before… Then…Now…Next…
Moodle Development Plan 2011 Potential SAMIS Integration Moodle 2.0 Mahara e-Portfolios e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office Moodle Assignment Activity Before… Then…Now…Next…
Moodle activity the assignment code...
James Barrett Educational Software and Systems Developer LTEO
Moodle usage: Increasing Load Escalating Importance More Demanding Features
Error: Database connection failed. It is possible that the database is overloaded or otherwise not running properly. The site administrator should check that the database details have been specified in config.php.
Moodle Database Activity query overload sluggish response unreliable uploads
Moodle Database Activity
Moodle activity daily
Moodle usage through the day
Total Moodle usage
Moodle usage: More users Escalating importance More Demanding Features
e-Learning team Learning & Teaching Enhancement Office The e-Learning team +44 (0) | +44 (0)