Retinal Imaging Conference Ahmet Ozkok MD University of Louisville School of Medicine Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences 6/5/14
Subjective CC: Decreased vision OD HPI: 71 year-old female referred to Retina clinic for decreased vision in the right eye. She complains of difficulty driving and floaters of last few years duration and getting worse gradually. POH: CE+IOL OU 2004 PMHx: NIDDM (10 years), artritis, hypothroidism, GERD Meds: Omeprozole, hydrocodone, metformin, levothyroxine, meloxicam Allergies: Codeine
Exam OD OS BCVA 20/80 20/ , X Pupils: 3 → 2 3 → 2 no APD IOP: 11 mm Hg 12 mm Hg EOM: Full OU CVF: Full OU Ant Segment: PCIOL OU
Slit lamp photo OD OS
Exam DFE:OD: ON: C/D= 0.2 Blurry view 2/2 AH Vessels: atherosclerotic changes A/V 1/2 Macula: Blurry OS: ON: C/D=0.1 Macula: blurry view Veins: Atheroscloric changes A/V 1/2
ASSESSMENT 71 year old female with epiretinal membrane and asteroid hyalosis Plan: PPV+ERMp OD
Take Home Message Fa and oct
Asteroid Hyalosis Characterized by diffuse spherical white opacities stuck to vitreous Unilateral (75-90% ) Etiology ? Calcium-associated phospholipids Presence is obvious upon ocular exam but patients are usually asymtomatic May interfere with retina exam (FA, OCT, AF) Rarely cause visual disturbance and needs Sx
Asteroid Hyalosis Risk Factors Age AJO 2001;132:70-75
Asteroid Hyalosis Risk Factors (under debate) Gender (m>f) DM Hypercholesterolemia HT Hypercalcemia Hyperphosphatemia Hyperopia Gout Alcohol consumption RP
Cataract Surgeon Be Careful! IOL calculation Falsely short axial lenght measurement with automated biometry Association between asteroid hyalosis and late postoperative dystrophic calcification of silicone lenses.
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