OIA Live and Learn – OABI/OAR/VSSC VAST – VA Site Tracking July 2013 Jill Powers w/Linda Heeg-Krause & Rhonda Albo Deputy Director, OAR/VSSC
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics VAST – VA Site Tracking VAST is the authoritative database source for data on the names, number, location (physical location, mailing address and latitude and longitude), site classification and leadership personnel of VHA’s sites of health care delivery. This includes leased and owned inpatient sites and Vet Centers, and leased, owned, contracted and mobile outpatient sites of care. Each site in VAST will have an official station number assigned by the Finance Service Center.
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics VAST – Collaborative Project Governance Chair - Lynne Harbin (HEC) Co-Chair - Jill Powers (VSSC) Ellen Bradley (ARC) DeAnn Farr (10P1/PSSG) Linda Heeg-Krause & Rhonda Albo (VSSC) Eric Jennings (10N) Nancy Lapointe (DSO) James Mallard (HEC) Sandra Rolon-Rodriguez (FSC) Adam Walmus (MDC, Houston) Lynn Wetterau (VISN 2) Joe Zimmerman (VISN 12) Technical Support – SP Thakur (VSSC) – Tom Bricker (formerly VSSC) – Chad Holmes (VSSC) – Don Mann (VSSC) Operations/Maintenance – Jill Powers (VSSC) – Linda Heeg-Krause (VSSC) – Rhonda Albo (VSSC) – Margaret Bell (VSSC) Owner: DUSH for Operations & Management (10N) Chief Business Office (CBO/10NB) Health Eligibility Center (HEC)
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics VAST Top Priorities Provide & maintain a web based tool with Facility demographic information that can be updated in real time and will Data quality Provide transparency Locating services for Veterans/Service Members Inquiries from Congress Strategic Planning & Capital Asset Management Dynamic/real time Reports VistA Institution File & the Financial Services Center Database Authoritative source
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Progress to Date Database successfully transitioned Web Application successfully deployed Transitioned Maintenance, operations and historical info Reconciliation process established Established Governance Board Completed training VISN, 10N, FSC Published static and dynamic VAST Reports
Allows you to view all the attributes of a facility Allows the facility to request a change to the attributes of a site, then goes through the electronic approval process
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Facility Attributes captured in VAST VISN, Station Number, Official Station Name, Location Descriptive Name, Rurality Parent Station & Complexity Level (from OPES) Site Classification (hospital, CBOC, etc) Operational status, site approval date, Planned or actual activation date, first workload date Ownership – Staffing (VA Only, Joint DOD and/or Joint IHS) Address – Street & Mailing, Congressional District and Geo-coded information Phone Numbers, Operational Hours Secondary Services & Children (divisions/CBOCs, etc)
Allows the facility/VISN to request temporary or permanent deactivation – then goes through the electronic approval process Allows the facility to request reactivation of a site, then goes through the electronic approval process
10 Current Approved Quarterly Report “Real Time” Report
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Major VAST milestones within the next 6 months Populate Leadership data elements Continue to improve data quality Use VAST data and information to populate all VHA Intranet and Internet Websites Reconcile and integrate with the Capital Asset Inventory Integrate Continuum of Care new Site Designations & additional sites
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Major Challenges in Next Steps Populate Leadership data elements Will require detailed coordination as the Leadership data elements will be used by numerous offices as the authoritative source: ADUSH for O&M Emergency Management VHA Human Resources Management VHA Websites Continue to improve data quality Needs to be easy to make changes Needs to be easy for anyone to report errors, so changes can be made As VAST is used in more reports, errors can be spotted by more individuals
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Major Challenges in Next Steps Use VAST data and information to populate all VHA Intranet and Internet Websites to provide real time addresses, phone numbers, leadership names, status, etc. Working with PSSG, HEC and WebOps to ensure all are using the same source Google Map like interface Reconcile and integrate with the Capital Asset Inventory VA Owned and leased spaces need to match May require more data elements in both databases as the purposes are different
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Major Challenges in Next Steps – New Site Classification Changes Continuum of Care Workgroup contacting each VISN to go over all sites of care, and determine tentative classification Reviewing workload of sites with station numbers Determining what existing sites will now get station numbers Gathering attributes of new sites that get numbers Tentatively classifying the new sites that get numbers Securing approval for new sites of care station numbers Assigning station numbers Establishing a baseline count of sites
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics New Classifications
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Questions
VETERANS HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Office of Informatics and Analytics Contact Us Group – VAST Jill L. Powers Linda Heeg-Krause Rhonda Albo