Malaria ( 瘧疾 ) Group 8 Pinky Yu, Venky Chow, Jasmine Chong, Shadow Cheung
Causes and Spread Protozoan( 原生動物的 ) parasites of the genus Plasmodium( 瘧原蟲 ) Spread by some kinds of mosquito Also infect birds, reptiles, monkeys, chimpanzees etc. Most serious place : Africa A Plasmodium sporozoite
Symptoms Fever Shivering ( 發抖 ) arthralgia ( 關節痛 ) vomiting ( 嘔吐 ) anemia ( 貧血 ) hemoglobinuria ( 血紅素尿 ) retinal damage ( 視網膜受損 ) convulsions ( 抽筋 )
Treatment Antimalarial drugs ( 抗瘧藥 ) Chloroquine Cheap and effective But resistance of Malaria to it spread recently Ineffective against the most dangerous Plasmodium strain in many affected regions
Prevention Vector ( 帶菌者 ) control The use of the pesticide DDT Prophylactic ( 預防 ) drugs e.g. Quinine Indoor residual spraying Spraying insecticides on the interior walls of homes in malaria affected areas Mosquito nets and bedclothes Keep mosquitoes away from people