Introduction to the Bible
New Testament: Epistles Bible books: Romans-Jude Timeline: 40-95AD What is an Epistle? A letter A situational document. The early church grows as it is attacked by persecution & false teaching. For example-What prompted Paul to write to the Galatians? To oppose the false teaching of “Judeizers”
I.The Epistles were written during the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:1-13; 2 Cor. 3:5-18) Key features of the Epistles OLD COVENANTNEW COVENANT Epistles Pentecost The Law
Key features of the Epistles Under the New Covenant: a.The Holy Spirit indwells true believers. (Romans 8:9-11) b.The Holy Spirit is the Sprit of Christ. (Romans 8:9) c.The Holy Spirit glorifies Christ (John.16:13,14). d.The Holy Spirit teaches us, reminds us of grace. (1 Cor 2)
Key Features of the Epistles II. The Epistles unpack the person and work of Jesus Christ. A.HIS PERSON: 1.The Epistles present Jesus as fully God and fully human (Col. 2:9). 2.What we do is motivated by Christ’s GLORY ( Colossians 1:10)
Key Features of the Epistles B.HIS WORK: 1.The Epistles look back at the significance of Christ’s death and resurrection. – Victory over sin (Col. 2:13,14;1 Peter 3:18) – Victory over death (2 Tim 1:10; Heb. 2:14,15) – Victory over Satan (1 John 3:8; Col. 2:15) 2.What we do is motivated by what Christ HAS DONE (Ephesians 4:32)
Key Features of the Epistles 3.The Epistles look forward to what Christ will do when he returns. 4.What we do is motivated by what Christ WILL DO Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-7-What actions are explicitly encouraged here? What actions are implicitly encouraged?
Epistle Inductive Overview 1.Read the letter in one sitting. 2.Reconstruct the “occasion” for the letter 3.Outline the letter by writing a short title for each paragraph. 4.Identify main themes in the letter (Philippians).
2. Occasion Author Who wrote the letter? Paul with Timothy (1:1) What information does the author provide about himself? He is familiar with the recipients (1:3,7,8) He is imprisoned, but it has advanced the gospel (1:12-14)
2. Occasion Audience Who is the letter written to? The Church at Philippi (1:1) What information does the author provide about his audience? They are devoted followers of Christ (1:3-5; 2:12) There is some conflict (4:2-3) They have sent a gift (4:12-14)
2. Occasion Third Party Does the author mention anyone who opposes* God’s work? If so, who are they? False Teachers What information does the author provide about the opponents? Judeizers “Circumcision” mentioned in 3:2,3 indicates that they are those who require one to follow the Law to be saved (Major conflict in Acts 15ff)
2. Occasion Summary-From prison, Paul is writing an affectionate and joyful letter to the Philippians. He is thanking them for a monetary gift and warning them of false teaching.
3. Outline Passage 1:3-11 1: : :27ff Title Partnership in the gospel Good News spreads in spite of imprisonment To Live is Christ Gospel-centered living
4. Main Themes Ask: Are there any repeated words and ideas? – Eternal life (1:10; 1:21-23; 3:14; 3:20) – Gospel (1:5, 7, 12, 16, 27; 2:22; 4:3, 15) – Joy (1:4; 1:25; 2:2; 2:29; 4:1) – Rejoice (1:18; 2:17,18; 3:1; 4:4, 10) Ask: What large spiritual lessons are tied to the letter’s occasion? Value of eternal treasure over earthly
Revelation The Book of Revelation describes how Jesus will bring about an end to this present phase of history and re- establish his rule. Quick summary: – Written by Apostle John in 95 AD; exiled during persecution – Includes lessons (especially in chs. 1-3), but is primarily prophecy – Often misinterpreted – Ties together many themes PURPOSE: To strengthen Christians to be faithful witnesses in a hostile world by describing Jesus’ authority over human history
What Now? Are you going to be reading and applying the Bible to your life one month from now? A year from now? A decade from now? The key to continued learning of the Word and continued motivation to learn is to be a doer of the Word. (Matt. 7:24-27)
What Now? Things you can DO that will lead to further learning and motivation: Get involved in a learning community where you receive & give truth in the context of close relationships (Col. 3:16; Eph 4:15,16). Develop a habit of regular, prayerful, scripture reading (Ps. 119). Be responsive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as He convicts you of sin and as He leads you out on His mission to share the truth (Gal. 5:16-25, Matt. 28:18-20;; Acts 16:6-10).
What Now? 1.Set specific goals for Bible reading Carson, D.A., For the Love of God One Year Bible YouVersion, built in reading plans 2.Memorize scripture 3.Use the Study Center!