1 Third Sector Assembly Event Tuesday 22nd May 2012 NHS Birmingham and Solihull Update Denise McLellan, Chief Executive NHS Birmingham and Solihull.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Third Sector Assembly Event Tuesday 22nd May 2012 NHS Birmingham and Solihull Update Denise McLellan, Chief Executive NHS Birmingham and Solihull

2 Presentation overview  Introduction  Update and progress review  Future organisations and the voluntary sector

3 Birmingham Solihull Complex provider environment: Hospitals Heart of England (3 hospitals), University Hospitals Birmingham, Sandwell West Birmingham, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Royal Orthopaedic, Birmingham Women’s Hospital and Birmingham Dental Hospital Specialist Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust Community Birmingham Community Healthcare Acute & Urgent West Midlands Ambulance Service; Range of urgent care, walk-in and other providers – Assura, Care UK etc 1.3 million people £2.3 billion p/a NHS spend Introduction

Health and Social Care Act 2012: Clinical Commissioning Groups to take over responsibility of commissioning health services for local populations – abolition of PCTs and Strategic Health Authorities by 2013 Creation of NHS Commissioning Board Establishment of HealthWatch and local Health and Wellbeing Boards to increase accountability for patients and the public Creation of Public Health England to improve the health of the population Commissioning Support Services 4 Setting the scene: a new health system

5 12 months on…  Shared vision and strategy - We have an integrated plan which has involved all health and local authority partners  Shared way of working through the Compact - for shared leadership across the NHS and local authorities  Resources - Good progress has been made - a coordinated structure was established pooling the resources of four PCTs  Results so far - Delivery is good - moving from forecast £50.5m deficit to £2m planned surplus; key quality and performance targets achieved

 Greater push on transformation and delivering improvements  Greater emphasis on quality and improving primary care  Supporting development of future organisations  More integrated working →specialised service pathways and joined up services →Councils working with health on care for older people  Financial planning - Still heading off increasing financial pressures for years ahead 6 Integrated Plan

7  Prevention and early intervention  Supporting people to manage their own health  Care closer to home  Joined up care  Highest quality and ‘right’ sized hospital care  Innovation and market shaping  Focus on transforming services for the frail elderly and developing primary care Integrated Plan- priorities

 Involves NHS Trust providers, emerging Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), PCT Cluster and LAs across Birmingham and Solihull  Sets out shared principles.  Enables sign up to the Integrated Plan  Commits partners to agreed ways of working to deliver improved health and wellbeing.  Enabling collaboration to find better ways of using health resources.  Creates a shared improvement programme to deliver strategic objectives more efficient to create saving.  E.g. Frail elderly programme and childrens services 8 Uniting for health – The Compact

9 Top 10 Quality Priorities PATIENT EXPERIENCE Delivering a revolution in patient experience where the patient is placed at the centre of all decision making and receives consistently dignified and compassionate care. PRESSURE ULCERS Eliminating avoidable pressure ulcers HEALTHCARE INFECTIONS Eliminating avoidable Healthcare Acquired Infections (HCAIs) e.g. MRSA NEVER EVENTS Eliminating Never Events (including locally agreed Never Events for non-acute providers) HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Making every contact count in delivering the Healthy Lifestyles agenda PRIMARY CARE Significant reduction in variation in Primary Care OLDER PEOPLE AND CARERS Improved care for older people and better support for their carers. MATERNITY Reducing risk in Maternity care HEALTH VISITORS Ensuring HV workforce capacity and capability to deliver targeted care to vulnerable children and families URGENT CARE Reduction of variation of experiences and outcomes of urgent care management pathways 10 Quality Priorities NHS Birmingham and Solihull

10 Real changes for local people Birmingham Solihull

11 Future organisations and the voluntary sector Delegated responsibility  From 2013 new organisations will take on PCT responsibilities The transition

12 CCG authorisation  Defined and appropriate geographic coverage and credible size to operate  Fully signed up practice membership  Agreed board governance, membership agreements, accountability and plans such as commissioning, engagement as well how will work in partnership. Clinical Commissioning Groups and support Clinical Commissioning Group* Practices (approx.) Population (approx.) Birmingham CCG 95583,566 Birmingham South Central CCG 47242,622 Northeast Birmingham CCG 18127,746 Sandwell and West Birmingham CCG ,836 Solihull CCG 32230,641 Supported by NHS Commissioning Board and Commissioning Support.

13 Birmingham and Solihull Cluster CCGs by Ward

14 CCGs recognise that voluntary organisations play a crucial role in the NHS and want to work differently:  Provide a wide range of services  Help to tackle inequalities; facilitating greater access to services for people with complex needs  Acts as an important source of intelligence to commissioners, planners and funders  Offers diversity and flexibility, developing services to meet needs that are not being met by the statutory sector Voluntary sector

15  Now ready to build relationships- Authorisation evidence  Establish appropriate links with their new local engagement arrangements such:- →patient reference groups →patient networks →Partnership arrangements →Public CCG Board meetings →Respond to formal procurements  LINk will be holding five CCG summits →Stall opportunities for voluntary sector →Running from July - Sept Working with CCGs

16  Reforms present opportunities through: → Clinical Commissioning Groups: Local health commissioning → Local Authorities: Commissioning for Public Health → Health and Wellbeing Boards: strategy and engagement → Local HealthWatch challenge and engagement →Commissioning Support- national information offer →NHS Commissioning Board- Primary care, specialised services, offender health, some public health Voluntary sector opportunities

17 Procurement  Any Qualified Provider (AQP) procurement plan on schedule to deliver AQP outputs by 1 st December 2012  The three services being opened under AQP: →Adult Hearing Aids in the Community →Podiatry →Wheelchairs (Children).  Developing tools to enable easy communication via CSS

18 Buildings – usage and access  Our buildings are public assets  We encourage you to use the various rooms which can be used by the public  Looking at improving assets and how we can make it easier for public and voluntary groups to know about them

19 Denise McLellan, Chief Executive E: T: Bartholomew House, 142 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 9PA Communications and Engagement Department E: T: CIBA Building, 146 Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham B16 9NX Questions?