2 PURPOSE: Sami Direct Business centre is essential for the growth of Direct selling/networking in India as we are geographically vast a country, east to west and north to south. Sami Direct Business centre facilitates product availability through out the country in all states and cities so that the distributors can purchase, retail and re-purchase in a minimum turn around period, there by increasing their productivity and sales. Sami Direct Business centre gives the distributor a point of contact from where they can get information, updates about the company and other promotions. Sami Direct Business centre would also have facilities for distributors to conduct their weekly meetings, one to one meetings etc.
3 Qualification criteria and requirements: Applicant to have a minimum of 30 down lines in the respective city/town Applicant should be a Director in the respective city The city/town to have a minimum of 100 joining or a total sales of Rs.5 lakhs in the last two months. Applicant should maintain 400SV every month Applicant should be in good standing with the company. Sami Direct Business centres are allotted to Sami Direct distributors only. Sami Direct Business centres must strictly follow the Policies and Procedures of Sami Direct. Sami Direct Business centre should not participate directly or indirectly in any other network marketing companies or distribute similar products. Sami Direct Business centre should service all Sami Direct distributors irrespective of any team or line.
4 Infrastructure: The Sami Direct Business centre centre should be in a fairly decent location and should be assessed by the Samidirect corporate before approval. Minimum area should be 500 Sq. ft. with meeting hall facility for about 25 people and product display. Computer, printer, internet, fax and phone to be mandatory. Product storage to be in a neat and clean environment. Product bunting and banners to be displayed at the Business centre. Sami Direct Business centre should have their own local Sales Tax registration. To send “F” form for stock transfer. The Sami Direct Business centre would be appointed District wise only.
5 Sami Direct Business Centre Deposit, Stock & Agreement Applicant to pay Rs.5 lakhs initially. Products will be given in a 1:1 ratio. ( Products and pins would be on 40:60 ratio) Consignment agreement to be executed with the Sami Direct Business centre applicant. Products would be transferred at Distributor price (DP). Invoicing would be at the Sami Direct Business centre location. Sales tax – to be paid locally.
6 Billing and Product delivery: Sami Direct Business centre will have the initial stock worth Rs.5 lakhs of products as per his/her choice. Distributor walks in to the Sami Direct Business centre with order form and payment Sami Direct Business centre collects the payment (cash), verifies the order and hand over the products as per the order form to the distributor. Sami Direct Business centre generates the local VAT invoice in the name of the Distributor. The cash collected at the Sami Direct Business centre is deposited into the Samidirect bank A/C first thing the next day. The deposit details are faxed/ ed to Samidirect HQ. Sami Direct Business centre will send the Daily sales report with collection details on a daily basis and the same is verified and audited by HQ for accuracy. Sami Direct Business centre will send the Monthly sales report and the Stock balance report to HQ for review.
7 Sami Direct Business centre commission: Sami Direct Business centre commissions will be calculated on a calender month basis and paid on the 12 th of every month. Sami Direct Business centre commission will be paid only upon clearing all the pending order payments if any. Sami Direct Business centre must increase the stock level with additional deposit when the business increases in that particular district.