(PDR ) University of Northern Colorado Nathan and Casey 11/14/08
Due to acceleration of their containers onboard liquids manifest reactive forces on their containers. These forces can have adverse effects on the performance of the vehicle. A simpler analytical model is presented to describe liquid slosh. This simplified model, although not comprehensive, may yield practical results. An experiment to verify the validity of such an analytical model will be conducted. By comparing the predictions made by the analytical model and actual slosh data, the accuracy of such a model can be assessed. Problem: Solution: Experiment: Mission Overview
Objective The primary mission of the SplashSAT experiment is to determine the validity of our analytical method. Method In order to validate our hypothesis we will measure the motion of a fluid filled container aboard the sounding rocket. Comparison of experimental data and mathematical modeling will allow us to check the accuracy of such a model. Mission Overview
Mission Requirements Provide quantitative data about the motion of the canister along the rail.
Subsystems Power System: -Provide 2.5 W of continuous power. -Must supply power for 45 min. Data Storage: -All data will be stored on non-volatile memory. Thermo Control: -System will not be bellow 40 degrees F -System will not be above 100 degrees F (We can not have the water freeze or evaporate) Structures: -No water shall be released into the canister environment.
Special Requirements NONE
Experiment (5V) IR Atmega32 Accelerometers (3.3V) Mechanical Restraints Data Logger SD Card Power Battery Kill G-switch Latch 5 V Reg 3.3 V Reg Power Switch (5V) 5 V Out 3.3 V Out Block Diagrams
Caniste r View
Canister Picture Full
Front Wall
Side Wall
Top View
Electrical Schematics
Software Flow Chart Activation of G- Switch Data Logger Initializes Read Accelerometer Read Encoder Perform Velocity Calculation Write to Data Logger Active – When the G-switch is enabled data collection will begin. (It will collected data until the battery runs out) Memory Budget Samples per Second - Each Sample is 4 bytes - 4 KB per Second - 72 MB
Test Plans What type of testing can be performed on your payload pre-flight? -Bench test -Electrical Test -Vibe/Shake Test What is required to complete testing?: -Both support hardware and software need be purchased.
Test Plans Potential points of failure - Liquid filled canister leaking -Premature activation
Parts List PartAmount ($)Manufacture 3-Axis Accelerometers$30.00DigiKey NiCd Battery$20.00Local Hobby Store G-Switch$10.00DigiKey Experimental Apparatus$150.00BigBlueSaw.com Photo-Gates (4)$80.00DigiKey SD CardSupplied by UNCIn House Data Logger$60.00SparkFun Power System$20.00DigiKey Atmega32$10.00DigiKey Mechanical Restraints$20.00In House Latch$15.00DigiKey TOTAL$415.00
RockSat Payload Canister User Guide Compliance –Mass, Volume To be determined, we would like to discus this in our teleconference. –Payload activation? The payload will be activated by a g-switch upon launch It will comply with Wallops “no volt” requirement with a kill switch.
Shared Can Logistics Plan To be determined, we would like to discus this in our teleconference.
Updated Organizational Chart Nate (Flight Lead) Casey (Minion ) JUS T DO IT
Updated Mass Estimates AssemblyMass (gram) Electronics Board 200 Experimental Apparatus1000 Battery600 Chassis 700 (Aluminum) or 450 (Magnesium TOTAL2250 or 2500
Conclusions Issues and Concerns 1)Is our payload viable with the dimension requirements of the canister? 2) Does our design allow accessibility for other payloads? 3) Is our onboard liquid going to be a concern?