Sensor List Analog Pressure Analog Humidity Analog Temperature Digital Accelerometer Digital Magnetometer microSD Shield RTC GPS
ADXL345 3 Axis Accelerometer PinDescriptionAttached To GNDGround InputGND VCCPower Input3.3V CSChip Select3.3V INT 1Interrupt 1 OutputN/A INT 2Interrupt 2 OutputN/A SDOSerial Data OutputN/A SDASerial DataA4 SCLSerial Communications ClockA5
ADXL345 3 Axis Accelerometer
Sparkfun MAG3110 Magnetometer PinFunctionAttached To VCCPower Input3.3V GNDGround InputGND SDASerial Data LineA4 SCLSerial Clock LineA5 INTInterrupt OutputN/A
Sparkfun Real Time Clock PinFunctionAttached To SDASerial Data LineA4 SCLSerial Clock LineA5 SQWOutputs Square WaveN/A GNDGround InputGND 5V5V Power Input5V
Pressure Sensor PinFunctionAttached To 1NothingN/A 25V Input5V 3Analog OutputA0 4Ground InputGND
HIH-4030 Breakout Humidity Sensor PinFunctionAttached To GNDGround InputGND 0VAnalog Data OutputA1 5V5V Input5V
Analog Temperature Sensor PinFunctionAttached To 15V Input5V 2Analog OutputA2 3GroundGND Has “TMP” written on it
Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout PinFunctionAttached To 3.3VProvides a 3.3V OutputN/A ENEnables Sleep ModeN/A VBATAllows battery input for RTC N/A FIXOutput at same time as fix LED N/A TXTransmitD2 RXReceiveD3 GNDGroundGND VIN5V Input5V PPSPulse per second outputN/A
Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout
LEDs LEDPositive PinGround Pin Power46 Data Collection56
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