Administrators session K-12 Alignment to the New Illinois Learning Standards ELA & Math
What Tools Do We Use? EQuIP Rubric Evidence Tables Implementation Guides – ELA – Math EQuIP Materials
Dimension III: Instructional Supports Where is the Learning Supports site located? supports/default.htm supports/default.htm How are lessons responsive to student needs?
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PARCC Evidence Tables Where are tables located? /assessment-blueprints- test-specs How do they align to the EQuIP Rubric? – Dimension 4 – Criterion 1 Handout A and B
PARCC Evidence Tables ELAMath Grade Claim Standards Evidence Grade Practice Standards
What do they tell us? ELA Direction in developing scoring guides and rubrics How to develop stems for questions/tasks for instruction aligned with the standards Clue to Scope and Sequence How PARCC is assessing our students Math When and What is assessed at each grade/course Clarifications to standards on assessment Most likely Practice Standard for each evidence statement Clue to Scope and Sequence
Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Dimensions I and IV Is there enough evidence on the assessment to prove the students have mastered (independently) the targeted standards?
Alignment to EQuIP Aligns to Dimension 4 Need to know targets when creating lessons/units Targets should be the standards.
Learning Targets: GPS for the Classroom Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
What is the purpose of having “CLEAR TARGETS”? Students who can identify what they are learning significantly outscore those who cannot. - Robert Marzano Students who can identify what they are learning significantly outscore those who cannot. - Robert Marzano
Learning Target Today: (the what) I can…(give example) Purpose: (the why) So I can… (purpose of the target) I know I’m successful when… Success Criteria: (the how)
Quick Guide to the ISBE Guiding Principles for Classroom Assessment draft0714.pdf
How do you view assessments? Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Implementation Guides
View of RIP page List of Contents Document to Download Resource Introduction Page for Implementation Guides
Dimension 2
Dimension 1 Dimension 2 Dimension 3 Dimension 2
Dimension 4
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Dimension 1 Dimension 3
Dimension 4
Dimension 2
Where will you find the Illinois’ Resources Rubrics K-2 User Guide 3-12 User Guide Math Rubric Math User Guide Lesson Templates Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Student Achievement Partners
Next Steps 1.What would you want to take back from today? 2.How would you introduce it/use it? 3.How can you use any of the resources we discussed today to determine the appropriate PD for your staff? 4.How do these tools bring all the various changes together?
Teachers self-assessed with Implementation Guides to determine top 3 PD needs Grade Bands worked with Lesson Template to create 1 lesson/teacher and review with reflection Vertical Teams used EQuIP and full process to review and reflect on lesson alignment PARCC Evidence Tables were used to review and modify scope and sequences. School PD
Content contained is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License Jill Brown Dana Cartier