Donald Sloan Oxford Brookes University Hidden Disabilities Focus on Mental Health Issues
Changes in HE environment Resultant pressures on students Mental health problems in student population Implications of SENDA Recommendations
Psychological disturbance ‘A wide range of problems including psychiatric illness, behavioural disturbance, and psychological and social difficulties, which may seriously and adversely affect the ability of students with such problems to pursue their studies adequately.’ (HUCS, 1999, pp.1)
Changes in HE environment Widening access - negative impact on pastoral care - ability of new students to cope Funding for student support - rising debt - taking on part-time work
Mental health problems in student population Summary of evidence contained within HUCS (1999) Degrees of Disturbance, BAC -Rutter and Smith (1995) -Association of University and College Counsellors -Research papers on levels of suicide -Results of HEFCE funded projects -Individual universities student surveys -Annual reports of university counselling services
Issues for HE institutions Limits students chances of performing adequately in studies Can have impact on other members of HE institution Consequences of behavioural difficulties
Disclosure No unlawful discrimination if you treat students less favourably on the basis of their disability if you did not know, and could not reasonably have know, that they had a disability. Universities are required to make anticipatory adjustments so as to minimise the potential for discrimination against those with disabilities.
Policies and procedures Disability statement Admissions policy Disclosure policy Emergency procedures Support and Guidance Internal External Development and training