E2 Motors and Motor Starting #2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors
Single Phase Compressor Starting Single phase compressors have a start winding and a run winding © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Split Phase Compressor Motor RUN WINDING START WINDING COM V/ V AC DC S Ω Ω Ω R © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Starting a Split Phase Compressor Power must first go to both the run winding and the start winding © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Split-Phase Compressor Motor Starting Power is also needed to start C R START WINDING RUN WINDING A split phase motor is the basic design for motors used in all HVACR applications. The run winding uses heavy wire, while the finer wire of the start winding provides the resistance and phase shift necessary to start the motor. Once the motor is started we need to take the start winding out of the circuit. We can accomplish this with either a current relay or a potential relay. Once started, the start windings are removed from the circuit Power is needed for the motor to run LINE © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Start Relays A relay is used to energize the start winding The same relay is also used to take the start winding out of the circuit The next slide is a diagram of where start components are located in a compressor motor circuit © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Diagram of Compressor Start Components For the motor to run, power is needed to Common and Run N L1 C S R For the motor to start, power is needed to the Start terminal. Add torque with a Start Capacitor After start up, A Start Relay opens the circuit START RELAY © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Types of Compressor Starting RSIR: Resistance start, induction run Uses a start relay only CSIR: Capacitor start, induction run Uses a start relay and start capacitor CSCR: Capacitor start, capacitor run Uses a start relay and both start and run capacitors © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Two Types of Starting Relays Current Relays Potential Relays © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Current and Potential Relay Two types of relays used are current and potential relays. © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Current Relays Used on compressors under one horsepower Switch contacts are normally open (NO) Relay coil energized by high starting current © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Current Relay The current relay is generally limited to motors used in welded compressors through 3/4 hp and semi-hermetic through 1/4 hp. It senses current in the main or run winding and its contacts are normally open. © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Motor Amp Draw on Start up Current relays respond to amp draw Relay contacts close on high starting current Relay contacts open as amperage drops Motors draw high amps (LRA) on start up. LRA 60A 40A 20A 0A Amperage drops as speed increases. Amperage Draw Start Up RLA 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Motor Speed © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Starting with a Current Relay Current relays are used on refrigeration systems with fixed metering devices When system pressures are equalized only a relay is needed to start the compressor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Split Phase Motor with Current Relay 1- High starting amps energize relay coil, close contacts 2- Line voltage goes to start windings 3- Motor speed increases, amperage decreases, relay coil allows contacts to open C R S START WINDING RUN WINDING S M 4- Start Winding drops out CURRENT RELAY This split phase motor above uses a current relay to take the start winding out of the circuit. Since the starting torque is low this type of motor is used in fractional HP compressors on cap tube systems. When a motor starts, its momentary starting current is about 5 times its normal running current. As the coil of the relay senses the tremendous inrush of starting current it closes the normally open contacts. This allows power to go to the start winding which starts the motor turning. The motor reaches its operating speed within 2 seconds. At this point the current relay coil senses a reduction in current from its starting current to its running current. This drops out the relay, opening the relay contacts and cutting power to the start winding. The motor continues to operate on the run windings until power is interrupted to the motor. 5- Motor continues to run, drawing normal current L POWER ON Original Diagram from Copeland Handbook LINE © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
How a Current Relay Works The drawing on the next slide shows how the start winding is energized, then how it is taken out of the circuit © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Current Relay 1 2 S M Jumper wire Also used to connect optional start capacitor Power In 1 2 S M To Start Terminal Relay Coil To Main (Run) Terminal © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Energize Start and Run Windings Voltage ready for Start Winding Contacts close Voltage through coil Power to Start Winding High starting current increases coil magnetism Power to Main (RUN) Winding Plunger is pulled up © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Start winding de-energized No voltage to Start Winding Plate falls, contacts open Power to Start Winding As motor speed increases, amperage falls Power to Main (RUN) Winding Plunger falls Compressor continues running © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Adding a Start Capacitor A refrigeration system with a TEV requires more starting torque Adding a start capacitor in series with the start winding is all that is needed © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Capacitor Start Induction Run Motor (CSIR) START WINDING RUN WINDING S M CURRENT RELAY This capacitor start, induction run (CSIR) motor is using a current relay and everything is the same as the previous example of a split phase motor. Except, we have added a start capacitor in the line to the start winding. The start capacitor gives greater starting torque to the motor. These are usually required on TEV systems because the compressor may have to start before the system pressures have equalized. The capacitor will only be energized while the relay contacts are closed. L LINE © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Start Capacitors They provide more phase shift to the start winding Start capacitors are designed to be in the circuit for only a few seconds A resistor quickly bleeds off capacitor charge to prevent excessive arcing across the relay contacts Note: Always replace capacitors with the same microfarad rating (MFD or µF) and equal (or greater) volt amp capacity (VAC) © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Start Capacitor Bleed Resistor 15,000 Ohms Here is a view of a start capacitor. Note the use of a bleed resistor which bleeds the capacitor down in a few seconds when the circuit is opened. This is a must to prevent burned relay contacts. It is a 15,000 to 18,000 Ohm 2 watt resistor. Bleed Resistor 15,000 Ohms © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Terminal box on a small compressor A current relay plugs into the start and run terminals The external overload is mounted inside the terminal box © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Current Relay and Overload © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Current Relay and Overload S Current Relay and Overload © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Terminals - Current Relays - Overloads Jumper Wire S R L1 N Remove jumper wire when installing start capacitor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Two-wire Overload Single phase overloads are usually in the common wire Its bimetal disk warps when heated It responds to motor heat and amperage © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
2-wire bimetal overload 3 Power on Load 1 2 Normal operating condition: 1-2 closed If the load draws high current, the heater from 2-3 becomes hot This warps bimetal 1-2, and opens the circuit between 2 and the Load © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Potential Relays Used for starting single phase compressors up to five horsepower Contacts are normally closed (NC) The relay coil is energized by Back EMF (electromotive force) generated in the start winding © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Potential Relay – Top View S “Dummy” terminal 2 To start terminal From common terminal Contacts Solenoid Coil “Dummy” terminal C 1 5 R From run terminal © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Potential Relay Exposed 2 1 5 Normally Closed (NC) contacts between terminals 1 and 2 Relay Coil © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Potential Relay – Normal Position Normally closed contacts Relay Coil De-energized © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Potential Relay – After Start Up Contacts 1 to 2 are pulled open Relay Coil energized © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Potential Relays in Operation The normally closed contacts allow full voltage to the start winding The relay coil is energized The contacts open Back EMF keeps the coil energized, which keeps the contacts open © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Potential Relay Capacitor Start Induction Run (CSIR) Motor 2 1 START CAPACITOR POTENTIAL RELAY Back EMF keeps the coil energized 5 C R S START WINDING RUN WINDING Larger split phase motors require a potential relay with a capacitor. When power is supplied to the common it supplies power to one side of the potential relay coil at terminal 5. Power from the R terminal goes through the start capacitor, through the normally closed contacts of the relay, and to the S terminal on the start winding. When the motor starts it creates a high voltage that energizes the relay coil, opening the contacts 1 & 2 of the relay. This disconnects the start winding from the circuit. The run windings generate enough voltage (or back EMF) to keep the contacts open as long as the motor is running at it’s normal speed. The potential relay senses voltage. Actually, it reacts to 3 voltages: The “pick up” voltage is back EMF (electro magnetic field) voltage generated across the start winding by the motor’s rotor when it is up to about ¾ speed. This pulls the contacts open between terminals 1 and 2. This takes both the start capacitor and start windings out of the circuit. The “drop out” voltage is the back EMF voltage that must be generated across the relay coil to “hold” the contacts 1 and 2 open once they have been picked up. 3.The “continuous” voltage is the maximum back EMF that the relay’s coil can tolerate continuously without overheating and opening the circuit. When replacing a potential relay make sure these voltages are the same on the new relay. LINE © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Adding a Run Capacitor A run capacitor is added to the starting circuit When the potential relay opens the run cap stays in the circuit © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Potential Relay Capacitor Start-Capacitor Run (CSCR) Motor RUN CAPACITOR 2 1 START CAPACITOR POTENTIAL RELAY Back EMF keeps the coil energized 5 C S R START WINDING RUN WINDING This is basically the same as the previous CSIR motor using a potential relay and capacitor, except there has been a run capacitor added parallel with the start cap. The motor is stronger because the start winding is now carrying part of the running load after the start cap has been disconnected. The use of a run cap also improves the power factor, reduces motor current, increases efficiency, and decreases motor temperature. However, it is not just a matter of adding a run cap to a CSIR motor. The CSCR motor has been specially designed for this type of use. If the run capacitor fails it the motor will start, but it will draw about 10% more amps than it should. Under full load conditions it may draw even higher amps, causing it to go out on overload. Potential relays are used with the CSCR motors because the failure of a current relay is more likely when a run capacitor is used. Capacitor start-capacitor run motors have high efficiency, high starting torque, and high power factor. They are used in compressors up to 5 HP. The run capacitor stays in the circuit for greater motor efficiency LINE © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Run Capacitors When the compressor is running, a run capacitor provides partial voltage to the start winding This lowers compressor amperage, increasing motor efficiency © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Run Capacitors Old style New Style A run capacitor is designed to stay in the circuit all the time. It is larger in size and packaged in a metal can. It should be noted that if the run capacitor has polarity, the terminal that is marked should always be wired to the ‘r’ terminal of the motor. This keeps a grounded capacitor from burning out the start winding. The new style capacitor is made from a material which will burn itself free of a grounded condition. Old style New Style © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Run Capacitors on PSC Compressors No start relay is used on PSC motors A run capacitor is permanently wired into the start windings PSC compressors are used on fixed metering device air conditioning systems, where pressures equalize during the off cycle © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC) Compressor Run Capacitor Run Cap allows partial voltage to start winding S C R Start Winding Run Winding A permanent split capacitor motor is used for applications which do not require high starting torque. It is simply a split phase motor with a run capacitor installed between the R and S terminals. There is no start relay! This motor is economical and efficient. A PSC motor is limited to systems whose pressures are equalized prior to start up, usually A/C systems with fixed metering device (nozzle, cap tube, etc.). It is used mainly for blower motors and condenser fan motors. Line © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
PSC* Compressor with Run Capacitor starts and runs efficiently LINE S C R C S R Energize start winding Partial voltage through run cap Power is applied to the the compressor at terminals C and R. From R, power goes to the run capacitor but passes full voltage through the PTC (positive temperature coefficient) relay, effectively bypassing the run capacitor. When the compressor has started, the PTC relay is so hot that there is too much resistance for power to flow through it. This forces the voltage through the run capacitor which provides a phase shift to the running compressor that keeps it running cool and efficiently. Run Capacitor Compressor *Permanent Split Capacitor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
PTC Relays Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) solid state relays The resistance of the ceramic disc increases with temperature © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
P.T.C. Relay Cutaway Wire spring holds disk and serves as a conductor Start Run Power from Run terminal Power to Start terminal Ceramic Disk © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Location of the PTC Relay The relay is wired in parallel to the run capacitor It allows full voltage starting, then drops out of the circuit © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
PTC Relay and Run Capacitor Relay is wired in parallel with the run capacitor A recent development of solid state technology has made a different type of current sensitive relay available, the positive temperature coefficient or PTC starting switch. Certain solid state materials have the unique property of increasing their resistance as they sense current. Placed in series with the start winding, the device normally has low resistance. Upon start-up, the resistance raises rapidly and to a high enough value to reduce the start winding current to a trickle. This effectively takes the start winding out of the circuit. Because it takes several minutes (3-10) to cool down, it is not feasible for applications requiring shorter cycle times. © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
PTC Relay in Operation When cool, the disk allows full voltage to the start winding The disk heats up quickly, stopping the flow of voltage Power then takes the path of least resistance through the run cap to the start terminal © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Start Assist with PTC* Relay Voltage stops when relay heats LINE Starts with full voltage to start winding S C R C S S R Runs with partial voltage through run cap Power is applied to the the compressor at terminals C and R. From R, power goes to the run capacitor but passes full voltage through the PTC (positive temperature coefficient) relay, effectively bypassing the run capacitor. When the compressor has started, the PTC relay is so hot that there is too much resistance for power to flow through it. This forces the voltage through the run capacitor which provides a phase shift to the running compressor that keeps it running cool and efficiently. Run Capacitor Compressor *Positive Temperature Coefficient © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
“Hard Start” Kits Used on air conditioning compressors when compressor has trouble starting Contains a solid state relay and start capacitor Installed parallel to the run capacitor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Hard Start Kit (for PSC Compressor) PTC Relay Connect Leads to both sides of the RUN Capacitor Start Capacitor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Power to Hard Start Kit Start Capacitor PTC Relay Full power plus start capacitor to start winding Incoming power on start up © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Hard Start Kit Out of the Circuit PTC Relay Start Capacitor PTC Relay heats up Current flow stops Incoming power now goes through RUN cap © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Hard Start Kit Added to PSC Compressor The following slide shows the start kit in the starting circuit © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
PSC Compressor Start Assist Hard Start Kit (PTCR & Start Cap) Full Power plus Start cap to Start PTCR heats up, Stops current flow LINE S C R C S S R Power is applied to the the compressor at terminals C and R. From R, power goes to the run capacitor but passes full voltage through the PTC (positive temperature coefficient) relay, effectively bypassing the run capacitor. When the compressor has started, the PTC relay is so hot that there is too much resistance for power to flow through it. This forces the voltage through the run capacitor which provides a phase shift to the running compressor that keeps it running cool and efficiently. Current now goes through only the run cap. PSC Compressor Run Capacitor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Solid State Potential Relays Use only if the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) potential relay is not available Use only as a temporary replacement of OEM potential relay © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Electronic potential relay start kits Hard Start Kit Replacement Relays Replacement Relays © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Diagram of SS Potential Relay OEM potential relay coils operate on Back EMF Solid state potential relay coils operate on time to open the start circuit The wiring hookup is basically the same as the original relay © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Electronic Start Relays (Universal replacement relay PRO-90 by SUPCO) Run Cap L1 N O.L. R S C Run Cap acts like a jumper wire 2 5 Timer opens 1-2 1 4 6 Start Cap Run cap provides efficient running © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Solid State Current Relay Kits Useful on small hermetic refrigeration compressors Replaces the current relay and capacitor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Start Kit for Small Refrigeration Units PTC Relay Incoming Power Start Capacitor To START terminal To RUN terminal © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Installing a Start Kit The following slide shows how the start kit is hooked up to the compressor Use the original overload, NEVER jump out the overload Note: This kit can be used even if the original compressor did not have a start capacitor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Replacing a Start Relay with a Start Kit Connect L1 & Run Remove Relay L1 L1 PTC Relay & Start Capacitor N Connect to Start Use existing overload Start Compressor © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Start Kit with Overload Some kits include an overload This kit can replace all the starting components at one time © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Electronic current relay start kit Power Leads Terminal connections for Run, Start, & Common © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
Inside a “3 in 1” Kit Start Capacitor N L1 C S R PTCR PTCR OVERLOAD © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2
END OF Compressor Relays and Capacitors © 2005 Refrigeration Training Services - E2#2 Compressor Relays and Capacitors v1.2