Moving into Chapter 5 Writing a Proposal College Composition I
Let’s Review… 0 In Chapter 3 we looked at writing a personal essay: 0 Used personal experiences and observations to drive inquiry. 0 Applied the exploratory thinking of personal essays to academic writing. 0 Identified the characteristics of personal essays in different forms. 0 Used invention strategies to discover and develop a personal essay topic. 0 Applied revision strategies that are effective for shaping narratives.
In Chapter Five… 0 We will: 0 Describe a problem of consequence, framing it narrowly enough to explore convincing solutions. 0 Identify the wide range of rhetorical situations that might call for a proposal argument. 0 Argue effectively for both the seriousness of the problem and the proposed solutions, using strong evidence. 0 Use appropriate invention strategies to discover and develop a proposal topic. 0 Apply revision strategies that are effective for a proposal.
Writing about Problems & Solutions 0 What are some problems that need solutions? 0 What problems are most vexing to you at the moment? 0 How can we look at the world from a problem-solving aspect? 0 This aspect is at the heart of a proposal.
Problems of Consequence 0 Describing a problem of consequence, framing it narrowly enough to explore convincing solutions. 0 While not all problems are solvable, the process of seeking and proposing solutions can be rewarding. 0 Part of the challenge is recognizing problems of consequence. What makes a problem consequential? 0 It potentially affects a number of people. 0 The solution may not be simple. 0 There may be multiple solutions and people disagree about which is best.
Problems of Consequence 0 If a problem is consequential, it’s more likely that someone else will have said something about it. 0 Like many other forms of inquiry, problem solving usually requires some research. Obviously, if we already knew the solution, we wouldn’t have the problem to begin with. 0 An important consideration then, is whether others have said something about the problem that might help you think about the best ways to solve it. 0 While not all problems are equally solvable, the process of seeking and proposing solutions can be rewarding if you see the opportunity to learn.
Problems of a Manageable Scale 0 What about the sorts of larger-scale problems? 0 Here we’re obviously talking about problems of consequence: 0 World hunger 0 War 0 Environmental destruction 0 Poverty 0 Human rights 0 These are problems that matter to us all. But these are also among the most complex problems to solve.
Problems of a Manageable Scale 0 When writers are passionate about these topics it’s fantastic, but it’s important to realize the need to narrow the topic to something more manageable. 0 Obviously you’re not going to have anything meaningful to say about solving world hunger in a five-page essay. But it might be possible to write a focused essay about the troubles over food production in Zimbabwe, once one of Africa’s top agricultural producers. 0 Even better – narrow the topic further and investigate U.S. aid policies that are failing to help feed hungry Zimbabwean children. 0 Your interest in hunger can also easily lead to topics with a local angle – like the reluctance of some hungry families in your community to use food stamps because of a local supermarket’s policy.
Problems of a Manageable Scale 0 By focusing on the narrower problem, you can often reveal aspects of the larger problem much more powerfully while developing a solution that’s more implementable. 0 In other words, when you are choosing a problem to explore for a proposal, the manageable scale of a problem is as important as its consequentiality.
Why would we write a proposal? 0 People write proposals to try to argue convincingly to others that a problem is worth tackling and a proposed solution is a good way to tackle it. 0 Your motives for writing a proposal will probably include the following: 0 You care about the problem. Whether it’s something in your personal life or a public issue you feel that the problem deserves attention. 0 You hope to change something. Writing a proposal is a way of overcoming powerlessness. 0 You hope to learn something. You choose a topic because you’re motivated to discover things you don’t know. This motive alone isn’t enough. Others must be affected by the problem and have a stake in considering your solution. But if the problem is sufficiently complex and the solutions varied, then you stand to learn a lot.
The Proposal + Academic Writing 0 Numerous academic situations call for proposal writing and, more generally, writing to solve problems. 0 The case-study approach – popular in business, medicine, social sciences. It is essentially the presentation of a real-world problem for you to solve. 0 Problem-based learning – is an approach to inquiry common in the sciences that begins with the messy problem and involves learners in coming up with tentative solutions. 0 In some classes you’ll be asked to write proposals. Political science courses may include an assignment to write a policy proposal or an essay that looks at a specific public policy problem.
0 Academics in many disciplines write research proposals. These identify a question and then propose a plan for studying it. 0 The research question may relate to a problem, or simply to a topic that could be useful to study. 0 To fund research academics usually must submit a proposal.
Page Inquiring into the details – writing a research proposal.
Review w/ a Partner 0 5 minutes 0 Be ready to summarize what it’s all about!
Let’s an Example 0 Why College Football Should be Banned 0 By Buzz Bissinger 0 Follow up with “Inquiring into the essay” page Explore 0 Explain 0 Evaluate 0 Reflect