Evidence of meeting the 11 Illinois Professional Teaching Standards (What goes where)
Lesson plans Papers from art history classes Artists statement Slides of personal work Handouts for students a.Bio of artists b.Processes c.Vocabulary
Scope & sequence of Curriculum Reflection on differences between two levels of students taught on Saturdays Reflection on variability of development issues within one class (Saturday) Document how lessons address various cognitive levels Note how assignment varies with grade level... modification of lessons for level (age appropriate).
Adjustment (adaptations) for differentiated learners (gifted, dev. delay, ElL, etc) in Saturday classes Unit expansion adaptations Cultural lesson plan or multicultural lesson Teaching/learning styles documentation (instructional styles & strategies) Reflection. English Language Learners (ELL) students worksheets 307 paper
Lesson plans Handouts, worksheets Documentation for lecture, group activities, demos, hands-on learning, PPt presentation Work assignments or timeline (may be better in Collaboration)
Photo documentation of room with brief description. Maps of room and/or pictures of learning stations Pictures of Displays, bulliten boards Motivational materials PPts Class climate descriptors
How did you deliver information? (Set, questioning) Photodocumentation of presentation and demonstration with brief description Description of openning of lesson Teaching timeline Sentence prompts Photos of demonstrations
Notes home to parents Visual aids Teacher examples Handouts PPTs Newsletter Website
Your Assessment of your colleagues’ Unit presentation. Worksheets filled out by students Writings by students Rubrics Tests or quizes Checklists Assessment description in lesson plan (questioning of students over content/closure). X-word
Art 309 team list of duties Written description of collaborations Sat. reflection. Teaching timeline Collaborative presentation (roundtables) Work with teachers and parents while student teaching Collaborate with teachers to create interrelated or integrated unit while student teaching IEP conference Work for grants
Reflection on teaching and what you might do to improve Confernces, workshops, inservices, or lectures attended– reflection/description
Working at the State Conference (serving IAEA/NAEA) Exhibiting your work in a juried show Being a jurror for an art show Community outreach volunteer Presentations at conference or workshops (Xerox of presentation program) Service in a professional organization Office holder in professional organization Organizing a chapter activity Sharing information on lessons in a blog. Leading presentation at in-service Presenting information at faculty meeting