English 1 CP
The Odyssey Extended adventurous voyage or trip Written by Homer Told the story about most famous Greek event-Trojan War
Epic Poem Long narrative poem about the feats of a hero (entertainment) Hero reflects goals and values of society Taught lessons to listeners/readers Heroes were included so people would be like them Historical fact, legend and truth Incredible deeds and adventures Gods/goddesses help and harass the hero Iliad, Odyssey, Beowulf
Homer Wrote Iliad and Odyssey (Iliad was story of war, Odyssey takes place after) Blind Collected stories in 800 B.C. Stories had been sung by Greek minstrels Some took DAYS to tell Set to music So stories were told and listened to more than they were read
Epic Hero Central figure of an epic (Odysseus) Better than everyone (strength, courage, endurance) Important Legend or fact based Reflects society Pride in reputation Love for family/homeland Forceful leader Life is precious kingly
The Odyssey In media res –in the middle of things Twenty years after Odysseus has left home Trojan War started because Helen was kidnapped by Paris-Helen’s husband is Menelaus Three Stories Telemachus-Odysseus’ son Travels and adventure of Odysseus Odysseus’ return to Ithaca
The Odyssey Odysseus’ difficulties when trying to go home Trojan War = Greeks vs. Troy Achaean (Greek) heroes return home after ten years of fighting a bloody war Ten years after end of war (20 yrs total) The Odyssey begins- no one has heard anything about Odysseus When Odysseus is away, many men begin to vie for his wife, Penelope
The Odyssey Telemachus (Odysseus’ son) is twenty years old… he decides to look for his dad Why is Odysseus traveling so much? Poseidon (God of the Sea) has punished him
Part One Homer pleads for the muse of poetry to help him tell the story What is a muse? Odysseus leaves Calypso’s island Goes to Phaeacia-ruler’s name is Alcinous Alcinous offers Odysseus a ship if he talks about his adventures SOOO-Odysseus is talking most of the time in Part One
Part Two Odysseus returns to Ithaca Odysseus and Telemachus plot against suitors Suitors are trying to court Penelope
Map of Odysseus’ Travels