What It looks like and were it is Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun, and is the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter’s atmosphere is separated into different bands which gives the planet the appearance of having whitish and reddish layers with various spots, swirls and bubbles. Jupiter’s most striking feature is its big red spot. How big is this planet? Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is nearly 318 times as big as Earth, it has the surface area of 122 Earths. How long does it take to orbit the sun?(go round) 12 years. How far is it from the sun? or From the Earth? Jupiter is located an average of 466 million miles from the sun. At its closest point, Earth and Jupiter are more than 390 million miles apart. At their farthest, the two planets are more than 576 million miles apart.
Temperatures and moons ? What’s the temperature like? The temperature in the cloud tops of planet Jupiter is -234 fahrenheit but if you were to falling from the cloud tops, closer to the middle of the planet (where the atmospheric pressure becomes about ten times what it is on Earth) the temperatures would actually be around 55 degrees F. If you were to fall further, the temperatures would become incredibly hot. How many moons does it have? Jupiter has at least 63 moons, more than any other planet. The four Galilean moons of Jupiter are the biggest. These moons were discovered by Galileo himself they first moons discovered of any planet other than Earth’s.
Thanks for listening Jupiter