THE NEW COMMUNITY PROJECT AWARDS PROGRAM The CPA Program has gone digital Andre Therrien Certified Trainer
CPA PROGRAM INTENT Provide recognition to Clubs for outstanding projects Encourage significant community-serving activities, which enhance the image of the Club and benefit the community Stimulate membership involvement in a meaningfull Club activities Aid Optimist International in acquiring information on oustanding Club projects for the benefits of other clubs.
EVALUATION CRITERIA: Overall quality of the project, including uniqueness and creativity-50% Detailed step by step explanation of project – 45% CPA organization, documentation and compliance with rules – 5%
TWO CATEGORIES Best Film – (Video clip entries) Best Writing in CPA Entry (for PDF file entries) and Best Youth Activity – from Film and Writing entries Presented to a Club that exemplifies the mission and vision of O.I. through a service to youth. Project must be unique and innovative Meet a need of today’s young people Have an impact on the youth involved and have universal appeal, regardless of geography. Both Best Film and Best Writing in a CPA Entry category are eligible; fundraising projects will not be eligible.
INTERNATIONAL WINNERS Will receive a $500 check for their Club to utilize as they see fit. Project will be featured in the Optimist magazine and the OI WebSite Winners will be encouraged to attend the International Convention Bragger’s Hall
ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT ENTRIES Create your document as before… Instead of printing it them out Save the document in PDF and save it on a CD.
BEST FILM Maximum 10 minutes video clip Questions on the Project Story should be answered during the video Use to time to sell your project. Be Creative !!! Video clip must be in MPEG (MP4) Entries must be sent on a CD
What to use (Flip Video Camera, Digital Video Camera) What software do I use? PC – Various software are available to create to movie such as Movie Creator which is part of Windows 7. Mac – IMovie or Final Cut HD Express are very good and easy to use Most of them have a video tutorial that walk you thru the process step by step. How to make changes: Once your film is created, to make a change, you have to go back into your original script (using your movie creator software, make the change and recreate your film.
VIDEO PRODUCTION What if Something goes wrong? Go back to your movie creation software and look at your script to see if you have missed a step when you created your film; Update Quicktime which is used to view your film once it is created; Don’t hesitate to ask for assistance from your District and/or your OI Office. IT’S EASY !!!. Once you have done it once, you will want to do it again and again ! Remeber to download your film on the social medias (Utube, Facebook…) The people you want to touch are there !!!
IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER Entries must be conducted in its entirety during the current administrative year, October 1, 2011 through September 30, All entries must be shipped on CD prepaid to Optimist International by December 15, Please note entries submitted in binders will no longer be accepted as part of the Community Project Awards program.
FOR INFORMATION Programs Department 4494 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO Phone: (800) or (314) , ext. 235 Fax: (314)