1 Dragon NaturallySpeaking User Testimonials GENERAL BUSINESS I Speak Dragon 2009 – Audio Files
2 A Current Dragon Customer “I have never been a great typist and as I get older my typing has gotten frustratingly worse. Using Dragon lets the words on the screen keep up with my thoughts. I can just sit back and let the thoughts, and words, flow. Using a keyboard, I find myself noticing the typos - thoughts get interrupted and I get sucked into edit mode rather than write mode. The accuracy is simply amazing, and interface is so intuitive and powerful. Using Dragon is like having a direct connection between my brain and the page.”
3 A Small Business Owner Using Dragon “I run my own Internet software business and maintain dozens of websites. I have thousands of users so I spend a lot of time interacting with them via . Before I got Dragon I would try and type a message in the fewest number of keystrokes. But now with Dragon I don't mind sending long messages since it takes no effort at all to compose them. As a result my customer service has improved dramatically. My users are grateful for the special attention they are getting. It is a real pleasure to not have to type out long s. It is such a pain to have to bend over the keyboard and focus on hitting those small keys. Now I can sit back in my chair and dictate out long messages with a minimum of physical effort. I also participate in many online forums where I can post questions for other members to answer. With Dragon I find it much easier to post many more questions than I could before. I'm also able to respond to other people's posts much more easily.”
4 A Consultant Using Dragon “Seven years ago I started a job as a consultant that requires extensive writing of narratives and comments. I thought that my poor typing skills would improve with practice, but it was not the case. After about four months of struggling, I was ready to throw in the towel because of the long hours of typing. At that time I was not even aware of the existence of this technology, but thought that something had to be out there, and decided to go out to an Office Depot and see what was available. To my surprise and delight I found Dragon, which I bought right away; 15 minutes later I was dictating! I could not believe it! Dragon saved my job. I use the English and Spanish versions of it, not only for my work but also for chatting and composing s.”
5 A Business Owner Using Dragon “I own a home health agency and when I first opened I had to type the policy procedure manual. They are in two- 5 inch binders, stuffed full. I can't tell you how long it took me to type it... months maybe. When I discovered Dragon it changed my life! I did my employee manual in just one day. My days are unbelievably more productive and I leave the office at five when I was previously working till one and two in the morning... it's amazing! I could not run this agency without it... I do reports in minutes. I make patient schedules, create forms, reports, employee evaluations…there's absolutely nothing I cannot do with this program. I love it!”
6 A Dragon NaturallySpeaking Customer “Einstein said time is not a constant. Dragon NaturallySpeaking proves it. It creates time where there once was none, time I can spend building competitive advantage for my business. Like everyone, I talk faster than I type. With Dragon NaturallySpeaking, I am able to compose hardcopy and correspondence more quickly and accurately. I use it to create records on our Internet donor database, to build pledge forms, and to create thank you letters. It learns my vocabulary, my custom words and my writing style, further improving accuracy. The bottom line is, Dragon NaturallySpeaking creates competitive advantage by giving me extra time... precious hours I can spend fostering relationships and generating new business.”
7 A Small Business Owner Using Dragon “I run a small business that requires considerable data entry at certain times of the year. We have rented an office in the past that would accommodate about 14 computer stations to facilitate the data entry...we would also hire temporary help to come in and enter the data. The decision I made to purchase Dragon goes well beyond any career path or performance enhancement...due to the purchase and utilization of Dragon we have been able to : Move out of large office, that had too much space 98% of the time into a smaller office and We no longer need the Temp Help every year. So my decision to try Dragon ended up saving my company $11,560 per year.”
8 Dragon Customer Alan Perlman “I am a speechwriter who remembers doing first drafts on a legal pad, then working with the earliest word processors. Speech recognition is the obvious next step in boosting the speed and accuracy with which we bring words to paper. I deal in the spoken word. Often, as I compose a speech, my mind runs ahead of my fingers, and the result is lots of typos. Dragon, especially with the latest operating systems and audio software, is, for me, the best way to compose a speech, not only because it can keep up with me (error rate is now below what I achieve by typing), but also because once I start speaking, the language is more natural and conversational.”
9 Dragon Customer Raymond Kidalowski “I have meetings with several people daily and need to keep track of the content of these appointments for compliance purposes and to make sure all of the projects discussed will be accomplished. After a meeting, first I go to my client management files and dictate a detailed summary of the whole meeting. Next I go to my word processing software and dictate a brief letter to the client with bullet points of what is to be accomplished and by whom. Finally I use that summary letter as an outline for my staff so each person knows what is required of them. Dragon software takes this task which formerly required 30 to 45 minutes per meeting and reduces it to less than 10 minutes. Over the course of the week I am saving hours worth of time.”