Play the Learning Game Project Funded by European Commission and Spanish National Agency – OAPEE Lifelong Learning Programme Leonardo Da Vinci sub-programme Transfer of innovation Action
The Play The Learning Game Project intends to further exploit and transfer the results of the former project involving teachers and trainers in updating, expanding and testing of the Learning Game Portal. Introduction Play the Learning Game Project Introduction The Learning Game In the years 2006 – 2008, the European Commission, DG Education and Culture, in the framework of the Socrates Comenius Programme, funded the project entitled The Learning Game. The Learning Game project investigated the potential of a change in perspective towards videogames and multimedia that should be used to bridge the communication gap between teachers and learners and to enhance the attractiveness and interactiveness of teaching methodologies. The project gave teachers and trainers the access to three on- line databases (e-learning courses, software to create multimedia based educational contents, videogames with educational potential) The project also developed simple videogames to be used in education and training as an integration of traditional and/or e-learning based teaching strategies, for teaching specific contents. The results are all available on the project portal at
Objectives and Beneficiaries Play the Learning Game Objectives and Beneficiaries Specific Objectives… Involvement of teachers from 5 European countries who will contribute to the development and testing of the project contents Identification and evaluation of the videogames available onto the market that have an educational and training potential Accessibility of e-learning courses to be used to implement innovative technical solutions for education and training Acquisition, by teachers and trainers, of the necessary the skills to make full use of advanced interactive and multimedia solutions for educational purposes …and Beneficiaries Teachers working in vocational education and training schools In-company trainers working in the fields graphic design, advertising and photography
Activities Play the Learning Game Activities Results: o Transnational network of teachers and trainers interested in exploiting multimedia and videogames for educational and training purposes o Updated version of the Manual “Multimedia Application for Education” o Updated database of reviews of Videogames that can be used for educational purposes. o Updated database of reviews of e-learning based educational and training materials to be exploited with the new technical solutions. Results: o Teachers and trainers skilled to exploit the potential of multimedia and videogames for education and training. o Collection of pilot courses exploiting the potential of videogames, multimedia and e-learning based solutions for educational purposes o Transnational discussion and exchange of knowledge during which the teachers and trainers share and compare their opinions related to the use of videogames and multimedia for educational purposes Results: o Insertion of the “The Learning Game Portal” into national education and training systems o Involvement of associated partners into the project
Project Partners The Play the Learning Game Project Partners Austria o FH JOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH Greece o Technological Educational Institution of Messolongi Italy o Pixel o Connectis Spain o FETE-UGT-PV o Ayuntament de Xàtiva o Ayuntamiento de San Antonio de Benageber o Associació Empresarial l’Algueria Proiectes Educatius o IES Doctor Liuis Simarro Lacabra o IES St Vincent Ferrer
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