Dolores Huerta Elementary Blended Learning May 21, 2015
Huerta Demographics TK students 60% EL 20% Reclassification 2013 CST 31% Proficient/Advanced for ELA 2013 CST 54% Proficient/Advanced for Math 1
History of Blended Learning at Huerta 2010 Huerta was built to offset over-crowding from 28 th Street Elementary Bond money allowed for purchasing of technology (5 devices per classroom, 1 lab) Partnership assisted in spearheading the integration of technology through various blended learning programs Utilized multiple Blended Learning programs for four years 2
In collaboration with teachers, we strive to develop 21 st century classrooms where the teacher is a facilitator of student learning, maximizing the use of technology while developing students’ creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration skills. 3 Teaching & Learning in the 21 st Century
Partnership Approach to Literacy Transitioned to a Balanced Literacy approach Teachers utilize a Station Rotation Model during Reader’s Workshop. Model allows students to read text at their independent reading levels (Fountas & Pinnell A-Z) via Achieve 3000 or Lightsail, two of our Blended Learning literacy programs Teachers and aides provide small group instruction. In our primary classes, students utilize Lexia to support their Word Study skills. These programs provide a plethora of leveled literature that we could not provide in any other way. 3
How Blended Learning Fits Into Our Model LightSail/Reading A- Z/Achieve 3000 Independent Reading: Students select and read texts at their independent reading level to increase their lexile levels. Guided Reading: Students read the same text in small groups at their instructional level with support and guidance from their teacher. Shared Reading: Teachers read complex grade level texts with the whole class while modeling metacognitive strategies. Writing: Students engage in a variety of writing from annotating texts to composing short essays in response to the texts that they read. 4
Partnership/Huerta Approach to Math Utilized Eureka Math & ST Math as core components of our shift to the common core ST Math as a tool for direct instruction and differentiation/individual practice ST Math provides conceptual understanding that we aligned to the concepts taught with Eureka Math 7
ST Math Learning Model 8 ST Math Project & Play: Game projected, students come up to play. Play and Connect: Game projected, teacher makes connection from content to game. Project and Build: Game Projected, Students model solution Project and Discuss: Game Projected, teacher Connect/Build/Discuss: Use of game, students show mastery independently
Project and Play 9
How did we accomplish this? Collaborative goal setting with the Instructional Leadership Team at the beginning of the year Professional development cycles focusing on Reader’s Workshop, Guided Reading, and Mathematical Practice Standard 3 All PD cycles incorporate how to integrate the use of technology as a core component of instruction Utilizing data from TRC, DiBels, Blended Learning programs and benchmark assessments 10
Teaching Parents how to utilize technology at home Train parents on how to use the various blended learning programs to support their students at home DirecTV ST Math Challenge parent challenge. Most home use! 11
Next Steps… BL Pioneers-Partnership teacher leaders Continue to think creatively to increase the number of devices that we can provide per class Integrate more 21 st century skills, practice through technology based programs (ie. coding skills) Continue to leverage community partners to bring real-world application learning into our school 12