This force consists of personnel who are specifically organized, trained, and equipped to protect the physical security interests of the facility. It is the company’s most effective and useful tool in a comprehensive physical security program.
In comparison to other security elements, security guards are expensive. Proprietary security guards usually received hourly wages than the contract-guard personnel do.
Generally higher-caliber as they receive higher wages. Generally they provide better service. Can be trained to handle more complex security duties. Less turnover. Are more familiar with facilities they protect. Tend to be more loyal to the company.
Costs more. May be required to join guard union. Problem of ensuring availability of back-up personnel.
Less expensive. Use is expensive. Administrative and personnel problem less. User is relieved of all problem less. Contractor assumes full responsibility for scheduling and supervising all guards personnel. Is able to obtain extra guards when needed. Security firm usually accepts liability in civil suits.
Lack of training. Low caliber employee. No loyalty to company. Project poor image. Large turnover. Not familiar with facility.
The organization of a security force will vary depending on the circumstances and personnel available. Security forces may be organized by: Fixed post deployment Foot patrol deployment Mobile patrol deployment Escort services Reserves Any combination of the above
The number of security personnel required is generally proportional to the size of the facility. The number of personnel required to cover a single post around the clock providing the coverage for three eight-hour shift is 41/2 or5 persons. This allows for vacations, sick leave, etc.
Regardless of the use of structural,,mechanical, and other supplements, the human element in security operations makes the difference between success and failure. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to insure that security personnel who control access to restricted areas and classified activities are screened, selected, cleared, retained, or disqualified, based on criteria contained in prescribed regulations.
Rule III, Section 2, Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 5487, requires the following minimum pre-employment screening qualifications for private security personnel: Filipino citizen’s; High School graduate; Physically and mentally fit; At least 18 years of age but not more than 50 years old; Has undergone a pre-licensing training course, and Must not possess any of the disqualification listed in Section 2, Rule II. RA 5487 IRR.
The extent type of training required for security personnel will vary according to the importance, vulnerability, size and other factors affecting a particular installation or facility. The objective of the training program is to insure that all security personnel are able to perform routine duties competently and to meet emergencies quickly and efficiently. Before a person who meets the basic qualifications can be issued a Security Guard License, he must satisfactory complete the Basic Security Guards Course (Pre- licensing Course) with duration of 150 hours.
No security guards can renew his license unless he finished the Re-Training Course with duration of 48 hours. Exempted from the Pre-Licensing Course are: - Veterans are retired military/police personnel or honorably discharged military/police personnel all the basic qualifications; - Graduate of ROTC ( basic/advance), and/or its equivalent in the AFP, CAFGU/CHDF, PNP Training graduates.
To improve their capability, efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of their duties and responsibilities, security guards should be encouraged to take Supervisory Courses, Security Training Courses, and other Specialized Courses from Authorized Training Centers. They should also be encouraged to pursuit education by enrolling in colleges and schools that offer programs in Law Enforcement, Security Administration or Criminology.
All security force personnel should be required to wear the complete prescribed uniform as outlined in Rule VI, RA 5487 Revised IRR. Deviations from the prescribed uniform requirements should not be made except for such additional items of wear as are necessary to protect the health, comfort, and safety of the security personnel. The security force personnel assigned to mobile patrol duties should be furnished with sufficient vehicles to maintain the patrol standards. Vehicles assigned should be equipped with two-way radios to obtain the greatest possible use of all personnel and vehicles.
Depending on the need and requirements of the facility, security force personnel should be appropriately armed with standard weapon of issue either the revolver, cal.38, and/ or shotgun. High-powered firearms may be issued to security personnel assigned in areas where there is an upsurge as lawlessness and criminality as determined by the Chief, PNP or Regional Director.
Security personnel should be equipped with portable radio transmitters/ receivers and telephones for the expeditious transmission of reports and instructions between security headquarters, post and patrols. Security personnel should also be equipped with such other equipment as may be necessary to carry out their duties and responsibilities. Such items may include warning lights, portable lights, flashlights, first aid kits, traffic control devices, night sticks, whistles, and items of wear for the health, comfort or safety of the guards.