“Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in.” Amy Lowell Amy Lowell Throughout time, man has been compelled to react to the world in which he lives. Even before the existence of language, man would tell his story through art. Join me on a journey through time to explore the artistic history of man.
ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS – BC Cave paintings done by early man Egyptian works such as the pyramids and the sphinx Art from ancient Greece
THE CLASSICAL PERIOD 500 BC – 476 AD Ancient Rome Painting on plaster (frescoes) Realistic sculptures of people Battle scene paintings on canvas Murals Mosaics
THE MIDDLE AGES 500 AD – AD Celtic Art Abstract Geometrically balanced Romanesque Art Created for the Christian Catholic Church Stained glass windows Murals Religious shrines and decorated caskets Gothic Art Evolved from Romanesque in Western and Central Europe Religious art, little depth to paintings, use of gold leaf Architecture was the most important art form of the period Celtic Romanesque Gothic
RENAISSANCE – AD This period gave rise to famous artists such as Leonardo DaVinci, Michaelangelo and Raphael. The Renaissance movement was large in Europe, specifically Italy. You may be familiar with some of these paintings. The nymph Galatea (Raphael) Mona Lisa (Leonardo DaVinci) The Creation of Adam (Michaelangelo)
BAROQUE – AD Originated in Rome, Italy Associated with the Catholic counter Reformation Strong religious and political influence Triumphal Entry of Henry IV into Paris (Rubens, undated) Apollo and Daphne (Bernini)
PRE-MODERN ART 1790’s – 1890’s Romanticism ( ) Revolution against established values such as social order and religion “Emotion over reason, senses over intellect” Fascination with nature and the human condition Realism ( ) Expresses an object as it is Every day, ordinary objects are considered worthy as art subjects Gustave Corbert of France gave the movement its name Impressionism (1860’s-1890’s) French movement Fascination with effects of light and movement on appearance of an object and how the human eye perceives it. Realist painting, entitled “Three Women in Church” (Wilhelm Leibl) “Sunrise” (Claude Monet) Impressionism Monastery Graveyard in the Snow, Casper David Friedrich Romanticism
MODERN ART – Post-Impressionism ( ) term invented by art critic, Robert Fry Ideas of impressionism pushed in a new direction by exaggerating certain aspects of impressionism Famous artists of this movement are Paul Cezanne, George Seurat, Vincent Van Gogh Expressionism ( ) art that aims representing one’s own idea of an object rather than its reality Wassily Kandinsky is a famous artist of the expressionist movement Cubism ( ) Based on geometricity and multiple views Aims at showing objects as they are rather than how they are perceived Famous artist of this movement is Pablo Picasso Surrealism ( ) Art that depicts images as might be seen in a dream rather than reality This style is free of reason and convention Famou artist of this movement is Salvator Dali
Some examples of modern art Expressionism Composition IV 1911 Kandinsky Cubism Tete d’une Femme Lisant Picasso Surrealism The Persistence of Memory (SalvatorDali) Post-Impressionism Starry Night (Vincent Van Gogh) Post-Impressionism Woman by the Water George Seurat
POST-MODERN art 1940’s-1960’s Abstract 1940’s – 1950’s This art form does not accurately represent its subject in form or object The artist takes an object or idea and simplifies or exaggerates it using shape, colour or form. Pop art 1960’s – 1980’s As with cubism, pop art arose from a rebellion against an accepted style Focus on material realities of life and popular culture such as media and advertising Celebration of consumer society Famous pop artists, Andy Warhol, David Hockney Abstract The Moon Woman (Jackson Pollock) Pop Art Pool With Two Figures David Hockney Pop Art Diamond Dust Shoes Andy Warhol, 1980
DIGITAL ART 1980’s-present Use of digital technology as the main medium Also known as computer art and multimedia art Created for a range of purposes from advertising to television production and film-making to simple art enjoyment Includes digital photography Digital Art By Luke Lucas Melbourne, Australia Mike Chan, Hong Kong
“Every great work of art has two faces, one toward its own time and one toward the future, toward eternity.” Daniel Barenboim Daniel Barenboim
SOURCES creativity-started-and-evolved/ creativity-started-and-evolved/
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