Ms. Smith
A safe and easy way to save your money. Allows you to deposit money (add money to your account) or withdraw money (remove money from your account) at any time.
1. Pick a bank. 2. Then, go to the bank and fill out the necessary paperwork needed to open a savings account. 3. After completing the forms, you will need to deposit a minimum amount of money. *For minors, the usual amount is at least $ Congratulations…now it’s time to start saving!!!
Steven Jones: 122 Yosemite Street, Hamilton, NJ Account # On February 20, 2013, Steven Jones deposits the following: $150 in cash 2.75 in coins Check #132: Check #1602: On March 1, 2013, Steven Jones withdrawals the following: in cash
In return for keeping your money at the bank, the bank pays you money, also known as interest. Compound Interest : interest that is calculated on both the amount you have on deposit and interest that has accumulated in the past.
Which would you rather have: a $100 bill or a penny that doubles everyday for 30 days?
If you have a penny that doubles everyday for 30 days, how much will you have? Working with a partner, calculate how much this amounts to! Formula: .01 x 2 = #, # x 2, and so on 5.4 million
Bank Savings Account: offered by all banks; yield a low interest rate. Money Market Account: offered by banks and typically pays you a higher interest rate than a regular savings account, but requires higher deposit. CD or Certificate of Deposit: bank holds your money for a set period of time, usually 1-6 months or 1-5 years. Unlike a normal savings account, you may not withdraw your money at any time. But if you do, you will be subject to withdrawal fees. U.S. Savings Bond: initial investment of money, that if kept long enough, matures with interest.
Now that we know about the 4 types of savings accounts, how do we decide what’s the best choice for ourselves???
Pros: Low minimum balance required Easy to withdrawal funds Insured Cons: Low rate of return (current rates are below 1%) Withdrawal charges
Pros: Highest interest rates among all other bank savings accounts Check writing involved Insured Cons: Minimum deposit/ balance required is high No interest and possible service charge if balance is below a certain balance
Pros: Interest rates are better than that of a regular savings Guaranteed interest rate for time of CD Insured Cons: Penalty for early withdrawal Larger sum of money required for minimum deposit
Pros: Low minimum deposit ($25 is the minimum amount) Guaranteed by the government Free from state and local taxes Cons: Length of maturity Lower rate of return when cashed in before bond reaches maturity date