By Jeff Miller 5/2/2012
The Artist Cory Archangel Born May 25, 1978 Best known for his work in video game modifications. Arcangel has also worked in drawing, music, video and performance media. He uses appropriation in existing material which include Photoshop gradients, you tube videos, and Dancing stands. Other famous pieces include Super Mario Clouds (2002) Pizza Party (2004) Sans Simon (2004) MoMA even has some of Cory’s more recent work such as; Two Key-stoned Projectors (ver 2, 2007) Monoprint 1 (2008) Monoprint 2 (2008) Monoprint 4 (2008) Monoprint 6 (2008) Monoprint 7 (2008)
Artwork Punk Rock 101 (2006) This is a demonstration of Cory Arcangel’s use of the web as an artistic medium. He republished Kurt Cobain’s suicide letter alongside a series of Google ads. Most ads are tailored to fit the subject of the page. So in this piece it uses Cobain’s final words for advertising social anxiety treatment and motivational speaking.
The piece gives a sense of how information is often portrayed and used on the internet. The terrible event of Kurt Cobain’s suicide and his last message now a mere means of advertisement. It’s remarkable how it alone can make one stop to see the message it shouts towards today’s society and any MoMA visitor's as well.
I believe this piece would be a fine addition to the MoMA art collection; especially the Installation section. Not only does it hold Historical value for Cobain's fans, but offers an unique perspective towards the internet in general. Plus the subtle nature adds onto the overall message Arcangel possibly intended to display.
I would recommend emulation in order to preserve the original piece while making sure it doesn’t become completely obsolete. It’s a cultural and historical piece after all; its best to keep it original at any means available.