Developing a world class sporting system sportscotland corporate plan 2011-2015 There are three key points in the Title of the plan Developing – this is about continuous learning and improvement, done in partnership World Class – we aim to be at the top of the game in all the work we do Sporting System – we believe in a single system for sport, one that is more than the sum of its parts The plan covers the next 4 years to after Glasgow 2014
About this plan 2011/15 – a critical period for sport Built on consultation Partners and stakeholders Staff and board members Integrated with wider policy Reaching Higher Let’s Make Scotland More Active Scotland Performs Consultation and considerable interest Extensive and inclusive engagement process : Board, staff, senior civil servants, Government Departments, Minister and partner organisations Designed to elicit as much knowledge and experience as possible and as many views and ideas about the future of sport and what we should do in the future and how we should operate Meetings, workshops and web based consultation 90 responses to the external consultation Wider policy We are clear that our contribution to the over-arching activity policy is to drive the contribution that formal and informal sport can make We will talk about ‘sports contribution to physical activity’ rather than sport and physical activity
Context Major games, major opportunity Building a legacy accelerate, profile and motivate Challenging times, creative solutions Alignment to national objectives... The major events on Scottish soil give us a once in a lifetime opportunity We will use this opportunity to accelerate our plans for sport, increase it’s profile and help motivate a nation in terms of sport and physical activity – this is in effect how we define ‘legacy’ . NOTE: We can only achieve the motivate aspect through cross sector working The challenging economic times give us the chance to think differently and do differently. It also drive greater focus ‘Alignment’ leads to next slide. The Scottish Government have 2 specific policies that guide our work: Let’s Make Scotland More Active – a Strategy for physical activity, and; Reaching Higher – a strategy for sport
We see a Scotland where sport is a way of life Our vision: We see a Scotland where sport is a way of life This continues to be about participation, performance and success. It is also about – supporting, working and volunteering in sport; and hearing about sport in your community
A single system for sport aligned to SG / National objectives This single system for sport is what we refer to in our investment areas as ‘holistic’; and ‘impact’ in contributing to the system We will work in 6 areas to develop a world class system for sport. (Talk more about 6 programme areas – slide 7) We invest our time, expertise and public funding to develop a world class sporting system sportscotland position – Our role is to put sport first; we work alongside those who have a greater focus on other types of physical activity such as dance, active living, and active play to ensure the people of Scotland find it easy to lead an active life.
Partnerships and planning A world class sporting system at all levels Our work People Places Partnerships and planning > School sport Club sport Performance sport A world class sporting system at all levels School sport Club sport Performance sport People Places Partnerships and planning We will focus our time, expertise, and public funding in 6 areas in developing a world class sporting system – everything we do will align with these: School sport; club sport; performance sport; people; places; partnerships & planning They are not aligned to particular structures or teams they represent our key areas of activity and impact Different teams and Directorates will contribute to their achievement
Regional working Regional Sporting Partnership plan Our staff & ways of working with partners and organisations Athletes, Clubs and Coaches Improving the pathways for sport Investing where it makes a difference Planned approach with partners to deliver outcomes for sport Adding value Next best in the pathway Investing and supporting clubs SGB pathways locally /regionally Investing where it makes a difference-Small grants presentation
Sports Facilities Fund This programme covers the provision or upgrading of all facilities for the general community. For the public good Provide equitable opportunities for increased sports participation by the community at local level. Demonstrate what links they have established/will establish with the sports programmes and/or initiatives operated by the local authority, national governing body for sport and their associates/partners.
New Application System
Facilities Funding Priorities identified in SGB/LA facilities strategies / fit with any other relevant strategy deliver increased participation or improved performance increase capacity, allowing growth in participation address identified gaps in provision Commonwealth Games sports projects (where there is a clear legacy) fit with Community Sports Hubs principles
Eligible Applicants Voluntary Sports Clubs Local Authorities Area Sports Associations National Governing Bodies Educational Establishments User Groups Companies Ltd by Guarantee Advising the Scottish Government on its policies - We provide expert thinking and knowledge to sport Leading, supporting and coordinating key providers of sport: - Joining up people, places and thinking that make sport happen - governing bodies of sport, local authorities, clubs, schools, networks etc) Investing National Lottery and Government funding where it counts - We invest national lottery and Government funding in the best interests of Scottish sport Delivering quality services in targeted areas - We deliver high quality services in very focussed areas where there is a need sportscotland institute of sport - high performance expertise to sport and athletes in Scotland National Centres - training and facilities for the outdoors, watersports and competitive sport
Eligible Projects The provision extension or upgrading of playing facilities or changing accommodation Floodlighting to playing facilities Storage facilities for playing equipment Purchase of major items of non-personal equipment (with a 7 year life)
Ineligible Projects Projects with a value under £10,000 inc VAT All repairs, renewals, replacement, and maintenance Purchase of buses, vans and the like Bars, Dining Rooms, dedicated social areas and associated spaces Bedroom / Residential accommodation inc caretakers flats etc Personal Equipment General Sports equipment not having a life expectancy of more than 7 years, Buildings etc not having a life expectancy of at least twice the length of the terms of award Free standing administrative areas and committee rooms which are not essential parts of sports facilities. Feasibility studies and design competitions Speculative purchase of land and / or facilities for utilisation / development in the long term Purchase of land and or facilities as a means of saving money on rent
Small Projects Strand (Single Stage Process) Outline & Full Applications (Two Stage Process) Intended to make the application process fast and simple for small projects Intended to give the applicant formal feedback before the depth of the project is developed Projects led by Clubs, Trusts, Local Authorities or any other eligible organisation Projects led by Clubs, Trusts, Local Authorities or any other eligible organisation Club Projects with a value between £10,000 & £50,000 can apply for up 100% funding Club Projects with a value between £50,000 & £100,000 can apply for up 50% funding Local Authority Projects with a value of £10,000 & £100,000 can apply for up 50% funding All eligible applicants can apply for up to 50% Funding
100% Funding!! In limited cases 100 % funding is available for projects up to value of £50,000. Focused on clubs / community groups with strong focus on junior membership (LA’s not eligible) Must demonstrate that funding will have significant impact on participation numbers for sport in the community Must demonstrate a clear financial need
Sports Facilities Fund Leaflets Quick guide to …..
Proceeds of Crime – CashBack CashBack for Communities is a programme of diversionary activities for young people to increase the opportunities they have to develop their interests and skills in an enjoyable, fulfilling and supported way. The CashBack for Sports Facilities: £7.5m will be provided by the Scottish Government using monies recovered under proceeds of crime legislation. Cashback for Communities Currently eight sports: Football (£2.5M) Rugby (£5.05m over 6 years) Scottish Sports Futures (£3.35m over 6 years) Basketball (£1m over 6 years) Multi-sport programme (£1.5m over 2 years) Athletics, Badminton, Hockey, Squash and Tennis
increased capacity to accommodate more young players Allocation Football £5m Rugby £1.25 All sports £1.35 Projects should primarily benefit young people and which will achieve some or all of the following outcomes: increased capacity to accommodate more young players improved quality of experience increased or enhanced opportunities for young people from areas of urban or rural deprivation
What is sportsmatch? Who is eligible? sportscotland managed scheme to match commercial business sponsorship on a £ for £ basis, £500 min - £10,000 max Who is eligible? Any constituted ‘not for profit’ organisation. Sponsorship can be in cash or ‘in kind’ Maximum of 3 Sponsors per application Sportsmatch is a matched funding scheme offering to match sponsorship funding on a £ for £ basis minimum of £500 and go up to £10,000 per project Sponsors from certain industries such as alcohol or tobacco, are deemed inappropriate and therefore ineligible. Ineligible sponsors include: charities, and bodies with more than 25% public funding. Where sponsorship ‘in kind’ is to be provided the award will be paid on receipt of an audited statement from the organising body confirming such sponsorship is in place. The ‘in kind’ monetary value applied for should be calculated at cost price to the sponsor without any profit element. If your organisations is a branch of a larger organisation such as a community sport hub or club/team with an overarching club, you should confirm that you are sufficiently independent of them. If you have your own constitution, bank account and produce your own audited accounts.
What projects are eligible? Projects that: aim to develop or increase participation and/or improve standards in grassroots community sport aim to deliver long-term benefits and provide pathways to continued sporting participation are a new or enhanced project, i.e. not part of a club’s normal ongoing running costs Priority will be given to projects focusing on youth, girls and women, and those facing barriers to participation Explain bullet point 3 This could also be a replacement expense for which provision should have been made? READ THIS OUT IF REQUIRED – Emphasise that is must be NEW activity or enhanced from what is currently happening. No on going club activities or costs. The following are examples of where sportsmatch will not fund or match against: Activities that commence before the application is considered by the award panel. Capital projects, such as refurbishment, buildings, stands, changing rooms, playing surfaces and fixtures. General administration and other organisation running costs e.g. existing, repeat or regular events, maintenance or replacement of exiting equipment, club strips/kit. Items that mainly benefit individuals and/or individual sportsmen and sportswomen. Transportation or volunteer expenses e.g. travel expenses, mini bus hire. Affiliations, corporate membership or competition fees. Costs incurred in submitting the application e.g. consultancy costs. Events taking place outside Great Britain. Coaching costs for sessional workers or full time coaching staff unless it is in addition to their contract. Projects that distribute sportscotland funds to other organisations (delegated grant making) Projects that have also been funded by or require funding from other sportscotland programmes and investment. VAT that the applicant can recover The sportsmatch panel meets on a rolling basis sportscotland Partnership Managers and Scottish Governing Body Officers (SGB) provide feedback on application’s validity and priority Applications are assessed on: type of project participation impact SGB and Active Schools support, benefits applications Award outcomes given to applicant within 4 – 6 weeks
Awards for All A lottery grants programme for small community groups looking for smaller sums of money. £500 - £10,000 Activities considered include: Buying sports equipment to improve standards and involve more people. Development programmes Small improvements to premises (not repair or replacement) Level of Award: £500 - £10 000 Awards for All aims to get lottery money into local communities in Scotland. They can fund projects that meet one or more of the outcomes for Scotland: People have better chances in life Communities are safer, stronger and more able to work together to tackle inequalities People have better and more sustainable services and environments People and communities are healthier You can apply to Awards for All if you are a not-for-profit/voluntary and community sector group, community council, school or health body. A range of organisations can apply but we prioritise smaller voluntary and community groups with an annual income of less than £20,000. Grants are eligible to pay for the following: equipment hire or purchase feasibility studies for community building projects improvements or additions to playing facilities information technology equipment building, refurbishment, landscaping or property projects (including playgrounds and temporary buildings) costing £75,000 or less (including VAT) materials for use in your project publicity materials for use in your project sessional workers (those who work only as and when required) start up costs and team clothing or kit venue hire, training and transport costs updating equipment for health and safety reasons volunteer expenses VAT that you cannot recover. Grants are ineligible to fund: activities that happen or start before we confirm our grant any costs you incur when putting together your application any expenditure incurred or committed before we pay our grant day-to-day running costs (for example, utility bills, council tax, rent, insurance) contingency costs endowments existing activities and repeat or regular events fundraising activities for your organisation or others items that mainly benefit individuals (e.g. equipment that is not shared) building, refurbishment, landscaping or property projects (including playgrounds and temporary buildings) costing more than £75,000 loans or interest payments ongoing staff costs (including salaries of permanent or fixed term staff) political or religious activities projects that cannot be maintain because of high ongoing costs or need for specialist skills projects or activities that the state has a legal obligation to provide projects that cannot be completed within 12 months registration and affiliation fees for existing clubs routine repairs, maintenance and used vehicles VAT that you can recover.
What makes a good application Strong youth development coach and volunteer education Sporting pathway development (e.g. improved equipment) Development work which is in line with governing body priorities (programming) Strong links to the Governing Body Strategies and Development plans
UKCC Coach Education Training sportscotland recognises the importance of new coaches coming into sport and the need for accessible, affordable coaching courses to be available to them. . Eligible applicants can access funding towards the cost of UKCC endorsed qualifications. Applications must be made at least four weeks prior to the start of the course; retrospective applications will not be accepted.
Individual applications Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria, can access funding of up to 50% or £150/person of the course fee, whichever is lower. Group applications If you are a group ie two or more individuals from the same organisation / club, you can also access funding per applicant of up to 50% or £150 of the course fee, whichever is lower.
Applicants must demonstrate coaching activity within six months of applying for the subsidy (minimum activity supported will be once per month or an average of 12 sessions per year) The course being attended must take place in Scotland and be registered with the SQA Applicants should evidence what impact this qualification will have on their school, club or community
Help for Clubs Accreditation is concerned with the various schemes for gaining wider national recognition and approval Admin and Management provides help and advice about the administration of your club including structures, constitutions, rules and policies Child Protection brings together all the advice on this important issue Club Development shows you how to organise your programme of activities and plan for the growth of your club's activities Coaching is aimed at all club coaches and anyone involved in player development and coaching Communications shows you how to keep in touch with your members through both printed and online means Equity considers how clubs can ensure that they operate with fairness, justice, equality, inclusion and respect for all members. Facilities explores the various ways of operating premises including a centre, track or range Funding covers all aspects of raising money from subscriptions, grants and sponsorship Juniors offers guidance about involving children and young people in your club - the next generation of members Membership is all about attracting and retaining your club members Staff deals with the recruitment, employment and support of paid staff Officers explores the key roles of chair, secretary, treasurer and other officials Volunteers looks at how a club can make the very best use of its members and volunteers in running the club
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