ATAC AGM Nov. 9, 2010 Sherry Cooper and Tom Ray
1. CFI Requirements - Transport 2. CFI Ideal Skill Sets 3. Specific Responsibilities at your School 4. Occupational Health and Safety Considerations 5. Your School “S.O.P.’s” 6. Personnel Powers and Actions 7. If you are a Union Organization 8. Ground School Supervision 9. Should the CFI take on a Teaching Load?
10. The Change Process 11. Record Keeping 12. SMS Training 13. Auditing the Operation
has a Class 1 or Class 2 Flight Instructor Rating for the category of aircraft in which the flight training is to be conducted has a Class 3 Flight Instructor Rating for aeroplane flight training provided no other flight instructor is employed at that flight training unit
responsible for operational control the management of the overall pilot training program the supervision of all flight and ground instructors the direct supervision of Class 4 flight instructors, and assigning their supervising instructor approving the ground instructors and the quality and content of ground school instruction and flight training provided by that flight training unit
the content and accuracy of Pilot Training Records, course reports, student pilot permits issued, license applications and any other documents which form part of the training process ensuring that flight instruction is based on the appropriate flight instructor guide and flight training manual ensuring that the daily flight record is used for operational control
ensuring that all appropriate publications including the CARs, AIM, CFS, WAS, FIG and FTM, and human factors manual are readily available to trainees and up to date maintaining a current copy of training publications, charts, maps and any other material required for training ensuring that all solo training flights are properly authorized by a flight instructor and acknowledged by the trainee
decisions with respect to flight safety during flying periods confirming the continuing validity of staff licenses and ratings ensuring that all staff members are kept informed of any changes to the regulations and standards disseminating, and acting upon aeroplane safety information, including accident, incident, and other occurrence reports
developing and implementing an operational control system in accordance with the CARs where an integrated course is conducted, ensuring the development and implementation of a flight training operations manual and a training manual in accordance with the CARs liaison with Transport Canada on all matters concerning flight training operations
delegation, in writing, of duties to the assistant chief flight instructor if applicable developing and implementing a plan of action in case of an instructor’s unacceptable flight test record and follow up action
Team Player Energetic Personable Adaptable Customer Service Expert Operational Cost Manager Human Resources Manager
Develops Training Plans and Quotes which sometimes includes training that has nothing to do with flying ESL, setting up bank accounts, cooking on a budget Develop and Amend Syllabi Develop and Implement Policies
At a smaller school, the CFI may wear several hats Common ones – Authorized Person, Exam Invigilator, Pilot Examiner, Charter Pilot or training Captain Possibly Maintenance Coordinator, Chief Pilot for Charter, Operations Manager for Charter or even General Manager
Does He or She have Training in Health and Safety Works closely with the Safety Officer On the OHS Committee Openly promotes a Safe Working Environment
Every school has their way of doing things This is their Standard Operating Procedures If they aren’t documented, they should be The CFI should follow the S.O.P.’s, inform and promote these to all staff
Your CFI should know what are the limits of his power with the instructional and support staff What are the limits of his disciplinary actions? Can he hire and fire? Pay rate discussion –what role does the CFI play? Should he consult with administration first? All of the above should be spelled out in CFI training meetings with administration and a job description
If you are governed by a union agreement, the CFI needs to know his privileges Is your CFI still a member of the union or out-of-scope ? Under the union agreement, as a member of the union, his disciplinary options are limited If out-of-scope, he or she needs to know the agreement well and what are his options
Selection and training of Staff How frequent the supervision? How do you supervise? What is the drop out rate? Monitoring of practice exams and test scores Assessment of staff, Programs and student performance -academic and practical skills
Depends so much on the size of the school Depends on the instructor / student ratio Do you pay your CFI a fixed salary or a base salary with extra pay for briefing or flying? Is he or she your Pilot Examiner This is a very personal issue with each flight school
What privileges will your CFI have to change your “tried and tested” ground school program Right to amend the notes, the powerpoint presentations, the curriculum Should he or she meet with the administration, the general manager or the ground instructional staff to make amendments
The CARs say the CFI is responsible Is there a suitable program in place to support this? Are the instructors all trained in the way the process needs to operate? Do you have S.O.P.’s that need to be used? Document everything!
As we progress to SMS, what will your CFI’s role be? Where does your CFI fit in the SMS training process Will he or she be a believer, a promoter, a follower or a dissenter?
With the new way of self audit, we must review our systems regularly, document findings, find the root cause of any problems, change policy to improve the process and train the applicable staff to comply Then monitor the change to see it is working and is being followed
Your CFI will be an integral player in this process He or she must lead in both actions and attitude His or her example will shape the whole instructional staff CFI must work with maintenance manager/staff to ensure there is a connection between operational practices and maintenance concerns/recurrent defects
Don’t let them work out their hourly rate