“Mr. Watson, come here I would like to see you.” Said Alexander Graham Bell. Alexander Graham Bell
Birth Born in Scotland, Edinburgh on March 3, 1847
Childhood Home schooled by his mother Had two brothers, Edward and Melville
Growing Up Taught deaf kids how to speak with his father. Learned the piano
Experiments Made the iron lung Made a device that tracked metal
Marriage Married to Mabel They made a flying device, that was like a kite
Tragic things Brothers died of tuberculosis New born baby stopped breathing and died
Moving Moved from Scotland to Canada when brothers died Stayed in Canada for a little
People To work with Worked with his father for teaching the deaf Worked with Watson for the telephone
Failed Inventions The device that tracked metal would not work on the president so he died
Needed improvements Alexander Graham Bell improved the microphone
Deaths Alexander Graham Bell died on August 3, Everyone’s phone was shut off for one minute Mabel died later on