Interactive Visualization Using vision to think Luc Girardin Macrofocus GmbH.


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Presentation transcript:

Interactive Visualization Using vision to think Luc Girardin Macrofocus GmbH

Interactive Visualization2 (31) Overview  Introduction  An example: Economic Research  Interactive Visualization  Another example: Investment Funds  Summary

Interactive Visualization3 (31) What is the problem?  Amounts of complex data growing faster than capability to analyze it  We know how to collect data and build big data warehouses but… We are lost in this space  Data  Information  Knowledge

Interactive Visualization4 (31) Example: Economic research  Survey of prices and earnings in 60 cities around the world  Each city characterized by 40+ different attributes

Interactive Visualization5 (31)

Interactive Visualization8 (31) City’O’Scope Demo

Interactive Visualization9 (31) Interactive visualization  Use perceptual skills  Provide an overview of global relationships  Frame of reference to embed fine grained tasks  Overview – Zoom in – Details on demand  Encourage exploration and comparison  Reveal the data at several levels of detail

Interactive Visualization10 (31) Our approach  Integrated systems  Preserve context  Different views  Tightly linked  Highly interactive

Interactive Visualization11 (31)

Interactive Visualization12 (31)

Interactive Visualization13 (31)

Interactive Visualization14 (31)

Interactive Visualization15 (31)

Interactive Visualization16 (31)

Interactive Visualization17 (31)

- Is this an outlier? - How do these groups relate to each other? - Are there groups of similar objects? - What is this object? - Why is it an outlier? - If I change this parameter a little bit,. how will the result be affected?

Interactive Visualization20 (31) A different approach…

Interactive Visualization21 (31) Fund’O’Scope Demo

Interactive Visualization22 (31) Spring-based layout algorithm

Interactive Visualization23 (31) i-lists beforeafter

Interactive Visualization24 (31) before after  -blended parallel coordinates

Interactive Visualization25 (31) What did we learn?  Not enough to connect database to the Web  Tools that fit the way we think and work Easier and faster data access Better understanding of information space Discover new relationships, anomalies

Interactive Visualization27 (31) Nanotechnology

Interactive Visualization28 (31) From the lab…

Interactive Visualization29 (31) …to the Web

Interactive Visualization30 (31) Atom’O’Scope Demo