There’s a special offer!! If you complete the 25 hour requirement, you’ll get $5 back at the end of the year! For $18, you can get a Key Club membership AND a Key Club T- SHIRT! FrontBack PLUS ….. MEMBERSHIP How much does it cost? $11
How do you get a Key Club sash? Just complete a TOTAL of 100 HOURS by the end of SENIOR YEAR! 25 hours each year AND hours can’t roll forward, only backwards.
Chinese Moon Festival (CMF) Crafts Days You NEED to turn in a Volunteer Service Agreement (VSA). You DON’T NEED to sign up, JUST SHOW UP! When: Every Friday and Saturday until September 21 st Time: Fridays afterschool (6 th or 7 th to 5:30) AND Saturday (1pm-4pm) Where: Overfelt Gardens (VERY CLOSE!!) What: Make crafts to prepare for the Chinese Moon Festival on September 22 nd.
Recycling You DON’T NEED to sign up, JUST SHOW UP! When: Every Tuesday! Time: Only during 7 th period Where: School’s Recycling Center (Across from M-54) What: Collecting recyclables in classrooms and sorting the material at the Recycling Center.
Set Design and Prop Building for Fall Carnival (Ashna) If you’re interested, please contact Ashna Mangla at When: September 13 th (THIS FRIDAY!!) Time: 3:30PM-6PM Where: Reed Elementary School (1303 San Juan Ave San Jose, CA 95110) What: Set designing/painting for the Reed Elementary School Fall Carnival. **Six volunteers needed**
Color Me Rad 5K (Annie) If you’re interested, please Annie Vu at When: September 14 th (Saturday) Time: 7AM-12PM Where: Santa Clara County Fairgrounds (344 Tully Road San Jose, CA 9511) What: Throwing color powder at the 5K runners.
Coastal Creek Clean-Up (Annie) If you’re interested, please Annie Vu at When: September 21 st (Saturday) Time: 9AM-1PM Where: Los Gatos Creek County Park: 1250 Dell Ave., Campbell, CA What: Remove as much trash, debris, and recyclables as possible out of our water ways.
Luna Park Chalk Art Festival If you’re interested, please Alice Andes at When: September 21 st (Saturday) Where: North 13 th Street & Jackson St. San Jose, CA Time: 7AM-10PM What: Set up, artist support, vendor support, performer help, and registration.
Bark in the Park (Alice) If you’re interested, please Alice Andes at When: September 21 st (Saturday) Where: San Jose's downtown William street park, S 16th St. San Jose, CA Time: Shifts 1: 8AM-10AM 2: 9AM-1PM 3: 12:30PM-5PM What: We will help set up, work at booths (tickets, raffle, food, organizations, etc.), and breakdown at the festival.
Chinese Moon Festival (CMF) Actual Day You NEED to turn in a Volunteer Service Agreement (VSA), AND attend a MANDATORY CMF orientation (Sept. 20 th OR Sept. 21 st ) Contact Vivian Wong at if you are interested. When: September 22 nd (Sunday) Time: Shifts 1: 10:15AM-1:30PM 2: 1:30PM-4:15PM 3: 4:15PM-7:00PM Where: Overfelt Gardens (VERY CLOSE!!) What: Shift 1: Set up and help kids make Key Club crafts. Shift 2: Help kids make Key Club crafts. Shift 3: Help kids make Key Club crafts and clean up.
Innvision (Angelina) If you’re interested, please Angelina Dith at When: September 25 th (Wednesday) Time: 5PM-7PM Where: Julian Street Inn (546 W. Julian Street, San Jose 95110) What: Help prepare & serve food to people in need. *4-5 volunteers needed!
Walk to End of Alzheimer’s (Diana & Eric) If you’re interested, please Diana Hoang at OR Eric Nguyen at When: October 12 th (Saturday) Where: Arena Green Park Downtown San Jose Time: Shifts 1: 7AM-12PM (Diana) 2: 9AM-11:30PM (Eric) What: Shift 1: Collect signatures of runners advocating for Alzheimer's action; briefly share our goals with guests Shift 2: Hold signs, cheer-on runners, run water stations and be part of the Thank You brigade at the finish line.
Pumpkins in the Park (Alice) If you’re interested, please Alice Andes at When: October 12 th (Saturday) Where: Guadalupe River Park Garden/Discovery Meadow Time: Shifts 1) 7:00AM-10:00AM 2) 9:00AM-1:00PM 3) 12:30PM-4:00PM 4) 4:00PM-6:00PM What: We will assist with set up, children activities, pumpkin patch, food booth, raffle tickets, photography, etc.
Turkey Trot (Alice, Annie, & Diana) If you’re interested, please Diana Hoang at OR Alice Andes at OR Annie Vu at When: November 28 th (Thursday) Where: SAP Center 525 W Santa Clara St San Jose, CA Time: TBA What: Refreshment Team!! Passing out waters to the Turkey Trot runners.
Regional Training Conference (Kimberly) Price: $24/person before September 20 th WITHOUT a T-shirt If you’re interested, please Kimberly Cao at When: September Where: Camp Jones Gulch (11000 Pescadero Rd, La Honda, CA Time: 11:00AM (Saturday) – Noon (Sunday) What: YOU will get the opportunity to meet members from all over Regions to participate in workshops and BEEcome an excellent leader. Attend the KEYnote session, campfire, games, September DCM; plus, you get to mingle with other Key Clubbers in your buddy group, at the dance, or at alternate activities.
Board Applications Positions Open: -2 Freshmen Class Directors -1 Sophomore Class Director -2 Socialists -2 Sergeant At Arms (SAA) -1 Recognition Coordinator Applications are due September 17th
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