SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity EFRC, UK, copyright SUSVAR COST 860: Minutes of 2.


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Presentation transcript:

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity EFRC, UK, copyright SUSVAR COST 860: Minutes of 2 nd MC-Meeting with WG leaders 30/6 2004, Tune, Roskilde, Denmark

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Participants in the meeting L. Bastiaans, NL; N-O Bertholdsson, S; M Cooke, IRL; J H Czembor, PL; A Dreiseitl, CZ; I Goldringer, F; E Lammerts van Bueren, NL; A-K Løes, N; A Newton, GB; H Østergård, DK; L Reitan, N; M Wivstad, S; A Osman,NL; V Sip, CZ; G Vasilevski, MKD; F Mascher, CH; K Kristensen, DK; J Salonen, FIN; L Fontaine,F.

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Agenda 1.Adoption of agenda and person to write minutes 2.Minutes/ comments on notes of 1 st MC meeting 3.Status for signatures 4.Non-COST participation 5.Status for budget 6.Status for STSM 7.Discussion and agreement of working plans for WG1-WG6 8.Planning of common trials based on input from this workshop 9.Discussion and agreement of preliminary plan (time schedule, local organiser) for all meetings Planning of Focusing Workshop in October based on input from this workshop 11.Discussion of web site, logo and dissemination based on input from this workshop 12.Publications, reports 13.Any other business

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Adoption of agenda and persons to write minutes OK Lammert Bastiaans and Hanne Østergård

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Minutes/ comments on notes of 1 st MC meeting Accepted

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Signatures of an action Action : 860 PartyDate of signature Czech Republic20/04/2004 Denmark18/03/2004 Finland13/05/2004 France07/05/2004 Germany27/04/2004 Hungary16/04/2004 Ireland04/06/2004 Italy16/04/2004 Latvia18/03/2004 Netherlands18/03/2004 Poland25/03/2004 Romania10/06/2004 Spain16/06/2004 Sweden18/03/2004 Switzerland15/06/2004 United Kingdom18/03/2004 Total 16 Action : 860 PartyDate of signature Denmark18/03/2004 Netherlands18/03/2004 Sweden18/03/2004 United Kingdom18/03/2004 Latvia18/03/2004 Poland25/03/2004 Hungary16/04/2004 Italy16/04/2004 Czech Republic20/04/2004 Germany27/04/2004 France07/05/2004 Finland13/05/2004 Ireland04/06/2004 Romania10/06/2004 Switzerland15/06/2004 Spain16/06/2004 Total 16 IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE - The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer and a copyright notice.disclaimercopyright notice Status for signatures Signatures of COST860 –

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Non-COST participation ICARDA – Very relevant collaborator – Already collaboration with some of the COST member institutes – Cereal production problems in all Mediterranean regions are comparable Clarification needed concerning non-COST participation in relation to STSM’s and Workshops and Working Groups (reimbursement). Hanne finds out. Later MC members can suggest new non-cost participants to Hanne and they can be confirmed by written procedure

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Status for budget A large unused amount left for 2004 (activities until November) From 2005 onwards as usual (according to general information from COST: – Average for Actions / Year 80,000 (60.000) € – Average / Meeting / Participant 880 € – Short Term Scientific Missions 5,000 € – Average for Publications 4,000 € – Average for Workshops 7,000 € – Final Evaluation up to 2,500 €

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Short Term Scientific Mission (min 1 week, max 1 month) Single persons or group (training course) STSM applications (form on web-side) are send to Maria Finckh assessment panel: – chair + vice chair + 2 WG leaders assessment criteria: – support the aim of SUSVAR Apply 3 month in advance NO APPLICANTS UNTILL NOW Questions to Bouktje Stol (Scientific COST secretary): – Visit several countries in 1 STMS – How are the rules for reimbursement of meals and accomodation (like WG meetings?)

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Discussion and agreement of working plans for WG1-WG6 The WG’s have done a good job in developing the plans within the aims of the Action and the status as discussed during the Opening Workshop and to be found on the internet ( is agreed on by the MC. Dates of Working groups meetings should be announced as soon as possible (at latest at next meeting in Witzenhausen).

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Planning of common trials based on input from this workshop Strategy: – To modifiy existing experiments to be comparable (standardize methods) – To exchange varieties with specific characteristics very good/very bad Regional common field trials may be interesting if funding available Questionary to all participants about production of plant populations/ growing populations one or several generations WG5 will organise ring test for selected disease resistance/virulence survey

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Discussion and agreement of preliminary plan (time schedule, local organiser) for meetings Witzenhausen Workshop October 2004 (Maria Finckh) WG1+experts from WG4+experts from WG6+eco-pb Workshop December. Other WG’s wellcome as well. (Edith Lammerts van Bueren) WG2 Poznan 2005 together with statistical conference (Pawel Krajewski) WG3 spring 2005 on methods, potentially to be combined with the WG5 meeting (Fabio Mascher, CH?) WG4+experts from other WG’s Feb/Mar 2005 (Lammert Bastiaans) WG5 spring 2005 potentially to be combined with the WG3 meeting (Scott Phillips, Elm Farm Research Center to be confirmed in Witzenhausen) WG6 activities to be decided in Witzenhausen WG1+WG6+eco-pb? conference on participatory methods 2005/06 Next general workshop October/November Subject and location decided in Witzenhausen. MC meeting potentially in spring together with WG3+WG5. If not then at next general workshop.

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Planning of Focus-finding Workshop in October based on input from this workshop Goals of the Focus-Finding Workshop – Values and scientific basis for SUSVAR to set the stage and priorities for our common work – Proceedings could serve as a baseline manual for the action. Max number of participants 80 (first come, first served) Deadline for registration mid August Deadline for programme July 12th Responsibilities – Local organiser (rooms, meals etc.). Maria Finckh – Working Groups and Interactions. Hanne Østergård – Organiser of the presentations and simple proceeding, deadline mid July. Hanne Østergård with help from WG leaders

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Preliminary programme Monday 18h dinner All WG’s Wednesday presentations and discussion (3) open interaction (on topics) All WG’s Dinner open interaction (on topics) Tuesday presentations and discussion (3) presentations and discussion (2) open interaction (on topics) Dinner and social

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Preliminary themes for the Focus-finding workshop and potential speakers

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Discussion of web site, logo and dissemination based on input from this workshop/publications/ reports Logo – Who will develop it – ask Gunter Backes Web page – Organised by Hanne Østergård – Open Internet pages as well as restricted Intra-web pages with password needed (contact Hannre Østergård) Brochure this year (Anne-Kirstin Løes + Hanne Østergård) on a pdf.file Publications – Possibility for publication: Special issue of European Journal of Plant Pathology 2006 or 2007 (reviewed) - no charge if in journal/ hard cover costs depending on number of sales (>100) WG’s should think of making review papers within their subject Notices/links between related societies and SUSVAR. HØ makes one for eco-pb and send around.

SUSVAR: Sustainable low-input cereal production: required varietal characteristics and crop diversity Any other business None