H UMAN T RAFFICKING S ECTION Jason Sherman – Spring 2012
L OGISTICS Office Hours 5-6pm in Greenhouse Café (by appt) Midterm
B REKA ’ S C ONCERN What role do anecdotal stories play in addressing and understanding the problem of human trafficking- other than “raising awareness” and catching attention? Why are we watching so many of them?
D ESTINATION R ESPONSES Prostitution, Trafficking, and Sex Smuggling
D ESTINATION C OUNTRIES What are the major destination countries?
W OMEN ’ S S HELTERS Do to a shortage of available sanctuary, do you think women’s shelters and domestic violence centers should be called upon to offer refuge to trafficking victims, or would this cause too much potential danger for the current inhabitants?
P OVERTY AND S ANCTIONS Given that trafficking is often born of poverty and lack of economic opportunity, is it counterproductive that the United States pose trade and economic sanctions with countries that lack anti-prostitution laws?
O PEN OR CLOSED BORDERS Do stronger border protections keep traffickers from getting across, or do they just make conditions more dangerous for humans who are trafficked?
S OURCE R ESPONSES Prostitution, Trafficking, and Sex Smuggling
S OURCE C OUNTRIES What are some of the source countries for trafficking victims?
T RAVEL A GENCIES Practically, how can a country put stronger regulation of its travel agencies? Do you think this would be effective in reducing trafficking?
D ECREASING A DOPTIONS When orphaned Russian children were sold to Americans and suffered abuse at the hands of their American parents, Russia’s response was to cut down the number of adoptions allowed to the United States. Is that good or bad policy?
C ORRUPTION How does a government increase its prosecution of traffickers if it cannot rely on its police forces, which are often complicit in trafficking transactions?
S OURCE AND D ESTINATION P ROBLEMS Originally, Japan allowed for “entertainers” to be allowed to be brought into the country and become residents without papers or citizenship. The words entertainers was aimed for singers, actors, etc., but instead this word was also used for prostitutes and sex workers as well. Because of this, Japan altered their law so sex workers were not able to come freely into the country without papers. However, Thailand became very upset with the Japanese government because the families in Thailand were losing money. They needed their family members to take advantage of this profitable market in Japan, and now this market was closed.
U.S. D OMESTIC R ESPONSE Exercise in Sentencing and Negotiation
US D OMESTIC R ESPONSE Why are these sex offenders getting off so easily in court?
S ENTENCING E XERCISE You are all recent appointees as AUSAs in the Trafficking Division. All of you have been selected to sit on a recommendation committee for prosecution of trafficking defendants. You have been asked to recommend for prosecution 2 of the following 5 cases sent over from the ICE, the FBI, and the DOJ. Groups of 3, please decide on the 2 cases you will recommend to the US Attorney. 10 Minutes
S ENTENCING E XERCISE Altogether, please decide on the 2 cases you will recommend to the US Attorney. 10 Minutes