Computer Usage by Adults other than the Internet By Harvey Heilbrun EST 571 2/27/06
Introduction Much research has been done on the use of computers for the Internet. Just go to: and do a websearch on Internet usage and you will get 1082 documents. The Internet is not the only way computers can be used. Once graduating from school, what ways are computers being used other than the Internet? Is there a difference in computer use as people get older?
Goals and Process To see where adults are using computers other than the Internet. Use web searching of the Internet to determine previously done research. Do an online survey to discover how adults are using computers.
Research and Survey Very little research, if any, is published that looks at how computers are being used outside of the Internet. See: (A NATION ONLINE: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use Of The Internet ) An online survey was created to gather data on uses of computers by adults using The survey was linked to my class website (parents of my present students were requested to fill out the survey) and was ed to certain individuals, over the age of 55 and parents of ex-students of mine. It was also linked to a colleague’s website which was named class of the week through Eduhound, providing more access across the country. I posted a request on the AARP bulletin board.
Survey 1. Where do you use computers? (check all that apply) at home at work at someone else's house in the library Other (please specify) 2. On average, about how much time do you spend each day on computers? 3. What tasks do you use the computer for other than the Internet? (check all that apply) None Word Processing Accounting Software (like Quicken or Tax software) Spreadsheets (like Excel) Presentation software (like Powerpoint) Games To view DVDs To listen to CDs or downloaded music To read books or articles that have been downloaded or purchased. To copy disks, CDS, DVDs, Pictures, etc. To backup files To save or view pictures Other (please specify)
Survey cont. 4. On average, how much time to you spend on each of the following activities each week? (remember it should add up to 100%) Internet Word Processing using Accounting Software (like Quicken or Tax software) using Spreadsheets (like Excel) using Presentation software (like Powerpoint) playing Games viewing DVDs listening to CDs or downloaded music reading books or articles that have been downloaded or purchased copying disks, CDS, DVDs, Pictures, etc. backing up files Saving or viewing pictures Other 5. What gender are you? Male Female 6. What age are you? over What is your highest level of education achieved? high school 2-year college 4-year college graduate school post-graduate school Other (please specify)
Survey cont. 8. What best describes your occupation? Professional sportsperson Professional (doctor, lawyer, etc.) Education (teacher, educational administrator) Technical/engineer Public sector (police, firemen, transit, etc.) Government official Service/customer support Clerical Sales/marketing Production/manufacturing Trades/craftperson Student Self employed Unemployed, looking Retired Other (please specify) 9. How many children do you have? more than 5
Data In all 72 responses were received from my survey. 4 of those surveys were discounted either due to incorrect age or faulty data.
Demographics of Survey
Gender Breakdown
Demographics of Survey Internet Usage The highest use (more than 50% of their time) of the Internet was in the year old group (71%). Significant drop in year old groups (27% & 23%). The second highest use was in the 56+ age groups (50%).
Results Overall the two main uses of computers other than the Internet were Word Processing (85%) and Saving/ Viewing pictures (82%) Secondary uses were Copying disks (59%), Spreadsheets (59%) and Presentation software (50%)
Significant Results by Age Groups Looking at Word processing across the age groups you notice a 22% decrease in usage in people 65 and over, from the next lowest usage. Looking at Music you notice the age groups of have a 20% higher usage than older groups. Looking at Backing up files the year old group is almost 20% higher than any other group.
What next? The small non-random sample of respondents makes it impossible to make any global conclusions or predictions. Future research in this area would need the following: Larger more random sample size, mirroring the real population. Use paper surveys in addition to online ones. Add the demographic of socio-economic status. Look at gender, socio-economic status, level of education and types of occupations differences.
Data Survey Results Question1 (Where computers used) Survey Results Question 3 (Computer Usage) Survey Results Question 4 (Time Spent) Survey Results Question 7 (Level of Education) Survey Results Question 8 (Occupation) Internet Usage of Computers compiled Non-Internet Usage of Computers Computer Usage by Age Computer Usage by Age
Total Computer Usage
Word Processing Usage
Music Usage
Backing Up Files Usage
Internet Usage
Non Internet Usage