Biological Science This is a Hawksbill sea turtle. Sea Turtles
Labeled diagram of a sea turtle.
Lifecycle of a sea turtle.
Habitat This is a sea turtle which lives in the ocean in coral reefs. The features of the sea turtle are their flippers. A special thing is a sea turtle is the most ancient creature.
Facts They are cold blooded so that means they are reptiles. There are seven species of sea turtles. When born, green sea turtles are only 5 cm long but they grow up to 1.5 meters long (5 foot) and they can weigh over 300 kg. Green sea turtles are able to hold their breath because they are cold blooded.
. If the sand is hotter more females are born if the sand is cooler then there are more males born.. There are two parts of the shell, the upper part of the shell which is called carapace and a lower section called the plastron.. The sea turtles shell is made out of bones that are fused together. The sea turtles are endangered. More Facts About Sea Turtles
This is a picture of a sea turtles nest. They can lay 80 to 120 eggs. It takes 2 months for the eggs to hatch. The sea turtles have to dig a hole in the sand on the beach. Nesting Sites
Endangered sea turtles. Endangered sea turtles are getting hit by boats so people have to take care of them. They can get caught by nets and they can eat plastic. Sometimes they can have hooks down in their body.