General Turtle Info Reptiles Two parts to shell: carapace and plastron 20 species found in NC Completely aquatic, semi-aquatic, and terrestrial Long life span and generation times Main threats: habitat loss, urbanization, pet trade
Role in the Ecosystem Secondary or tertiary consumers Can be at the top of their food chain Prey for large mammals and people Help with nutrient cycling So many species, high biomass
Box Turtle Fold into closed box shell when scared Males = red eyes, female = brown eyes Male = concave plastron, female = flat plastron Omnivores Only fully terrestrial turtle in NC Prefer moist forest areas Homing instinct
Painted Turtle Red / orange swirls on marginal scutes Males = smaller size, long fingernails for mating Females = larger size, more domed carapace Basking Omnivores Present in most ponds around NC
Yellow-Bellied Slider Vivid yellow on carapace and body, yellow plastron Male = smaller and long fingernails Female = larger, short fingernails, domed carapace Herbivores Often in ponds with painted turtles Related pet species: red-eared slider
Snapping Turtle Largest freshwater turtle in NC Large head, long spiked tail, small plastron Can be 50 lbs Omnivores Very strong jaws Found in many permanent bodies of water in NC
Turtle Research at Davidson Measurement data Translocation at Robbins Park Temperature Dataloggers (ibuttons) Population surveys Kiawah and Diamondback Terrapins