Key Stage 2 SATs 2015
Timetable Monday 11 th –Thursday 14 th May DateLevel 3-5 tests*Level 6 tests* Monday 11 MayEnglish reading test Tuesday 12 MayEnglish grammar, punctuation and spelling test Wednesday 13 May Mental mathematics test Mathematics - Test 1 Thursday 14 MayMathematics - Test 2Mathematics - Paper 1 Mathematics - Paper 2
National Curriculum Levels The tests assess the children’s attainment between National Curriculum level 3 and level 5. The majority of children in Year 6 are working within these levels. Some children are working below or beyond these Levels.
Below Level 3 If a child has been working well below level 3 in Reading or Maths, they will not be entered for the Tests. Their End of Key Stage 2 Assessment will be based on a Teacher Assessment.
Level 6 The Level 6 Tests were introduced from They are for children who have been working consistently at the top of level 5. They should already be demonstrating attainment above level 5. Must achieve a level 5 in the level 3-5 test and pass the corresponding level 6 test in the same year to be awarded an overall level 6 result.
The Tests MATHS
Maths There are 2 test papers; Paper 1 and Paper 2 There is no longer a calculator paper Both are 45 minutes long. There is also one Mental Maths Test. Mental Maths and Paper 1 are on Wednesday morning, 13 th May. Paper 2 is on Thursday morning, 14 th May.
The Tests English
There is one English Reading Comprehension Test which will take place on Monday morning, 11 th May. There is one Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Test which will take place on Tuesday morning, 12 th May. There is no longer a Writing test, however, children are still awarded a Teacher Assessed level for writing which forms a significant part of the level they are awarded for English overall.
Science There is no longer a test for Science. The children are awarded a Teacher Assessed Science Level. Their Science Level is reported as part of the Statutory Assessment Reporting Arrangements.
Assessment All Test Papers are sent away to be externally marked. In writing, Teacher Assessments are made based on the children’s work during Year 6 and are subject to external moderation. Scores are received back in School during July.
Levels Levels are awarded for the following: Maths Level 3, 4, 5 or 6 Reading Level 3,4,5 or 6 Writing Level 3,4,5 or 6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling - Level 3,4,5, or 6
Preparation Throughout their time in Year 6 we are constantly preparing the children for their SATs through: Regular assessment of their progress. Teaching them in set groups. Opportunities to experience SATs style questions. Deploying extra teaching staff to create smaller group sizes. Appropriate Homework.
How can Parents Help? SATs can be a worrying time for your child and can lead to nervousness as the tests approach. Good coping strategies include: Reassure them that they just have to try their best on the day. Encourage them to spend 20 minutes a day on revision or practice. Allow them to choose a small favourite toy to take in for comfort and bring an energy boosting break time snack e.g. chocolate! Keep an early and regular bedtime routine in the days leading up to and including the test week. Ensure your child has breakfast every day, especially during the week of the tests. Research shows that children who miss breakfast perform worse in late morning.