PYRITE Earth Science 11 Rocks and Minerals Eva Xie 11A
Pyrite Category: sulfide mineral Chemical formula: FeS 2 Pyrite is known as “fool’s gold” due to its metallic and glistening luster and pale brass- yellow hue. Streak: greenish-black to brownish-black Cubic crystal
Hardness: mohs cleavage: Indistinct on {001}; partings on {011} and {111} Magnetism: not magnetic Effervescence: no Pyrite
A source of ignition in early firearms (16 th – 17 th century) Its name is derived from the Greek (“pyr” = fire) An ore for the production of sulfur and sulfuric acid (a dominant method in the 19 th century) An ore of gold A gemstone in some jewelries Uses
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Bibliography encyclopedia/pyrite