Write a paper Make a poster Take notes Play jeopardy
What color is it?
Find your une heure partner On your sheet of paper, draw any classroom object and make it colorful. Do not let your partner see it. Turn so you and your partner are both sitting back to back. Talk about your object using colors, your partner will draw it too.
Aaah: A Hache: H Oh: O Vay:V Bay: B Eeeh: I Pay:P eeks: X Say: C Gee: J Cue: Q igrec: Y Day: D Kah: K Erre: R zed: Z Euh: E elle:L ess: S Effe: F emme: M Tay: T Jai: G enne: N eww: U
Tell them the letters of the alphabet
Write in the left hand column the name of the student to your right. That’s your new first name. On the signal, each person will stand up and ask 5 other people their name. They will respond by spelling it out in French. Write down in the right column the name that they spell.
You are on the phone with your partner (pretend you have a phone) but the reception is terrible. The person facing the board is going to have to spell out everything they’re saying to person two. Then, roles will be swiched.
- Spell out bonjour - Spell out ça va - Spell out how you are doing - Spell out « quelle heure est-il? » - Spell out « qu’es-ce que c’est? » - Spell out goodbye.
Spell out salut Spell out comment allez-vous Spell out how you are doing Spell out « Qui est-ce? » Spell out goodbye.
Stand up. You will be asked to spell vocab words. You can look at the word’s spelling, but not at notes about the alphabet.
How do you say what day it is in French? First, put down the expression « c’est » C’est Secondly, add a « le » C’est le Third, add the number of the day C’est le Six (or whatever the number is) Finally, add in the name of the month C’est le six Janvier
March 5 December 3 June 30 February 9 April 15 January 24 July 14 August 29
To do this, use the phrase: « Quand est ton anniversaire? »
Quand est: Thanksgiving Labor day Valentines day Presidents day Memorial day The next three day weekend New years St. Patrick’s day Pi day (3.14)