3 COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION Objectives: To increase agricultural productivity; to achieve high standard of living in rural areas and to stabilize the markets for agricultural products through ensuring reasonable consumer prices. Scope: Pillar I: - Common market organisations; - Direct payments. Pillar II : - Rural development.
Management structure of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Competent Authority – Minister of agriculture and food Managing Authority (MA) Of the Rural Development Programme – MAF Administration of MA – Directorate for “Rural Development” Administration of the Competent Authority - Directorate for “Supervision and Coordination of the Activities of the Paying Agency” State Fund “Agriculture” Paying agency Applying Pillar I of CAP Applying Pillar II of CAP – rural development The managing authority is responsible for: 1.Elaboration of programme documents for rural development and their harmonization with the European Commission; 2. Supervision and control of the implementation of RDP; 3. Publicity of RDP. 1. Accredits the Paying agency and informs the European commission; 2. Nominates a Certifying body; 3. Supervises and controls the activities of the Paying agency. Provides assistance to the Minister in the supervision and control of the MA and PA
5 Major documents of the Republic of Bulgaria on Pillar II of CAP – Rural development National strategic plan for rural development (NSPRD) (Sent to the EC on ) Rural development programme (RDP) (Sent to the EC on )
6 National strategic plan for rural development It is elaborated in coherence with: Strategic guidelines of the Community for rural development and Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). It includes: Analysis on the strengths and weaknesses of the Bulgarian rural areas and defining of strategic objectives and priorities.
7 RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Main function – Application of the national strategic plan for the achievement of its objectives by a range of measures grouped in four priority axes: axis 1 “Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector”; axis 2 “Improving the environment and the countryside”; axis 3 “Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy”; axis 4 “LEADER ”. Period of application – from the date of official approval by the EC to 31 December 2013 – for approval of projects and to the end of 2015 – for payments.
8 Indicative budget by priority axes for the period (millions euro in current prices) Priority axisEU fundsNationalTotal (EU+ national) Axis 1 963,89 240, ,87 Axis 2 637,46 139,93 777,39 Axis 3 702,13 175,53 877,67 Axis 4 61,59 15,40 76,99 Technical assistance 98,54 24,64 123,18 National supplements to direct payments 145,47 36,37 181,84 TOTAL - EAFRD 2 609,10632, ,94
9 First strategic objective Development of competitive and innovation- based agriculture, forestry and food-processing sectors
10 The measures for achieving the first strategic objective are directed to: Restructuring and modernization of the technological basis and promotion of innovations; Support to the adaptation of the agricultural holdings structure and co- operation; Increasing knowledge and improving human potential.
11 Second strategic objective Preservation of the natural resources and environment protection in rural areas
12 The measures for achieving the second strategic goal are directed to: Capacity building for sustainable land management: Bio-diversity conservation and protection of lands of high nature value; Support the development of organic farming; Improving the quality of soils and waters; Development of sustainable land management practices. Capacity building for sustainable forestry management.
13 Third strategic objective Improving the quality of life and diversification of job opportunities in rural areas
14 The measures for achieving the second strategic goal are directed to: Improving the quality of life in rural areas by Improving the accessibility and quality of basic services and infrastructure. Promoting the diversification of job opportunities in rural areas by Developing income generating activities outside the agricultural sector for farm households and the wider rural population
15 Fourth strategic objective Building local capacity and improving local governance
16 The measures for achieving the second strategic goal are directed to: Building local capacity for implementation of the LEADER approach; Supporting the implementation of local development strategies.
17 Geographical scope Priority axis 1 – the entire country; Priority axis 2 – different scope depending on the type of measures; Priority axis 3 - for projects in rural areas; Priority axis 4 – by territorial principle for implementation of local development strategies in rural areas, acquiring skills, revitalizing rural areas and management of the activities of local action groups.
18 PARTNERSHIP basic principle of EU funds Partnership on national level (with regional and local authorities, with socio-economic partners, with branch associations and other NGOs) – horizontal partnership. Partnership with the EC– vertical partnership.
19 INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY IN THE PERIOD OF PREPARATION OF RDP ( ) Objective: Informing the general public and the potential beneficiaries about the opportunities for financing under the RDP as well as increasing publicity and providing transparency for the contribution of the Community for the rural development. Conducted activities in the period 2006 – 2007: Public debates on the NSP and RDP– with the participation of more than 340 persons; Information seminars- more than 70 specialized seminars in the entire country; Appearances in media – daily radio (“Horizont” and “Darik”) and television (BNT, BTV, Nova Television) broadcasts; MAF information centre – established in the beginning of 2007, provides everyday consultations on the opportunities for financing under the RDP; Internet: – section “Rural areas” contains materials for the period (regulations, documents, presentations, etc.); – supported by the Directorate for “Rural Development” and contains up-to-date information about the rural development policy.
20 INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY IN THE PERIOD OF PREPARATION OF RDP ( ) The activities are based on the COMMUNICATION PLAN approved by the Monitorin Committee Target groups: Potential beneficiaries, economical and social partners; branch and business organizations; regional, local and public authorities; NGOs and the general public. Activities: information seminars; media appearances; internet; information centers; printed information materials; beneficiary manuals; lectures; training courses and forums, etc. Financing: RDP Technical assistance ( )