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Access costly reference books in databases Consumer Health Complete includes AMA Complete Medical Encyclopedia Cornell Illustrated Encyclopedia of Health Complete Guide to Prescription & Nonprescription Drugs 2009 Mayo Clinic Guide to Women's Cancers more Consumer Health CompleteConsumer Health Complete Literary Reference Center includes Understanding Literature series, Harold Bloom critical literature, encyclopedias, and biographies Literary Reference CenterLiterary Reference Center Readers’ advisory tools in NoveList include series lists, read- alikes, Lexile levels, and more NoveList Express LinkNoveList Express Link
Resource or magazineCost to individual subscribers$19.95 per month for personal subscription Wall Street Journal (ProQuest)Over $100 per year ($2.29/week) Harvard Business Review$79 per year Highlights for Children$29.65 per year (half the newsstand price) Backpacker Magazine$15.95 per year Forbes$29.99 per year (77% off newsstand price) Scientific AmericanOver $50 per year
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“A mentor system is an online resource to help students and their families select a college, apply for admission, and plan to finance higher education.” Tools for career assessment, test preparation, school selection, and financial planning Includes career outlook for Georgia Account set-up to manage and share information GAcollege411 Express Link
Treat the thousands of magazines, journals, and books as part of your collection GALILEO is your virtual library; it’s like another branch! Point patrons to GALILEO resources for job and career searching, education and financial aid information, consumer health information, homework help, and so much more