Mobile Phones PDAs Tablets Network Access Mobile Solutions Screens Digital Pens Storage OVERVIEW
Todays Phones MP3 Player PDA Functionality Camera (2 or even 3megapixel) GPRS and 3G functionality is still patchy at best Operators trying to recoup outlay on 3G licenses Mobile Phones MOBILE PHONES
Tomorrow’s Phones Major improvements in Battery Life and Screen Size Faster Network Speeds Satellite Navigation & Location Based Services Camera – 4, 5 and 8 Megapixel Images MOBILE PHONES (Contd…)
Tomorrow’s Phones Camera – 4, 5 and 8 Megapixel Images Better PDA Functionality and synchronisation Push MOBILE PHONES (contd…)
Todays PDAs Integrated Phone, PDA, GPS, WiFi IPAQ Nokia Communicator O2 XDA and associated models T-Mobile MDA/SDA Devices PDAs
Tomorrow’s PDA Improvements in network access Improved Battery Life More Rugged Integrated Low Power GPS for Sat Nav applications Bluetooth modules active for 20hrs instead of the current 4hrs Better Screen Technology PDAs (Contd…)
Today’s Tablet Features Speech recognition Handwriting recognition Touch screen Lightweight but power hungry TABLETS
Tomorrow’s Tablet Features Writing any way up, not just neat horizontal lines Markups and Annotations in digital format Next-generation mobile devices will include small external displays on their covers that will let you view (PIM) data TABLETS (Contd…)
Device and file synchronization. Synchronize data between all your portable devices. Communication and collaboration - Easy to quickly set up ad hoc wireless networks for file sharing and for discovering people who are connected nearby. The OS will also provide a way to connect to wireless projectors by supplying one-to- one and one-to-many support for wireless connections Tomorrow’s tablet features (contd…) TABLETS (Contd…)
Tomorrow’s Tablet Features (contd…) Location awareness - Allow the system to behave and look differently at home, work, school, and other locations. Pen/shell integration - Natively support ink file names. Click on an icon's name and write the file name in your own handwriting. TABLETS (Contd…)
Tomorrow’s tablet features (contd…) Flick and Snipper utilities - A new pen-gestures feature (code- named Flick) will let you perform certain actions with a Tablet PC stylus Pen Optimized Skin - For a new generation of small, 5" to 8" Tablet PC devices TABLETS (Contd…)
Enhanced 3G Faster access speeds True broadband on the move TV on your phone WiFi Push for more open WiFi hotspots making the whole of the UK WiFi enabled WiMAX Intel producing first integrated WiMAX chipset much like Centrino NETWORK ACCESS
VOIP Voice Over IP to be integrated into next generation mobile handsets Operators not liking this and seek a new killer application to counter this NETWORK ACCESS (Contd…)
Blackberry Nokia Business Centre Nokia E-Series phones Nokia Communicator Microsoft Exchange Coupled with Windows Mobile 5.0 will provide push for Windows T-Mobile Windows Devices MOBILE SOLUTIONS
New Thin Screens Polymer Screens Allow the display to be manipulated into any shape and still display a clear image Larger screens for phones Needed to display web pages, attachments See much more of a web page For Satellite Navigation applications SCREENS
HP Digital Pen Special Paper Printed as and when needed Forms can be created Up to 1MB data storage Data transmitted when the pen is cradled, via USB DIGITAL PENS
Nokia Digital Pen Bluetooth connected writing on special forms Transmitted to the Back End Application Data transmitted when the check box on the form is ticked DIGITAL PENS (Contd…)
Data Growth Rate Storage is cheap and getting cheaper Access to data is becoming faster Portability STORAGE
Today’s Storage 8GB USB Memory Stick 8GB Compact Flash Storage Cards 120GB Laptop Hard Drives 500GB Desktops Hard Drives STORAGE (Contd…)
Tomorrow’s Storage Technology BluRay Technology Next Gen DVD Technology (DVD/HD) Holographic Storage STORAGE (Contd…)
BluRay Technology 25GB on a single disc, 50GB on a dual layer disc Uses a Blue laser instead of current red laser technology Supported by 170 leading consumer electronics companies Recent PlayStation3 case highlighted the difficulty with emerging technology Players emerging Summer 2006 STORAGE (Contd…)
Next Gen DVD Technology (DVD/HD ) 20GB with 32GB under development Same blue laser which has shorter wavelength than red laser Demo’s being held NOW STORAGE (Contd…)
Holographic Storage 200GB of storage on a disc (trialled in 2003) Laser beam is split into two Hologram is formed at the point of beam intersection Archived data will live for 100 years Optical search systems will scan through 100GB in 5 seconds Compares to 30 minutes for tape Biometric applications being developed STORAGE (Contd..)
Massive increase in todays data storage requirements Use of databases has increased Online transactions & billing More marketing data in use What does this mean for todays solutions? Backups and Disaster Recovery Taking data on the road Syncing when back in the office Faster access to archived and current data on the move STORAGE (Contd…)
Devices becoming more feature rich One future device will have the functionality of 2 or 3 current devices Push is the current killer app Writing is the new typing! Data storage is on the up Light at the end of the tunnel for network access on the move Massive storage capabilities in the future SUMMARY