Golden Gate Bridge By: Amy Nguyen and Heather Hernandez
Basic Information Location: In San Francisco, California What it is: A Suspension Bridge connecting San Francisco to Marin county Made of: Steel Who built it: There were 10 main people who worked on the construction of the Golden Gate
Purpose of the Golden Gate Bridge The purpose of the Golden Gate Bridge is to connect San Francisco Peninsula to Marin County. Before they built the Golden Gate Bridge, anytime a person who would want to cross the San Francisco bay, they would have to take a ferry.
Designing and Building The Architects that built the Golden Gate Bridge were Joseph Strauss, Charles Alton Ellis, and Irving Morrow. Joseph Strauss was the original designer of the bridge. The construction started in 1933 and opened in The Dimensions are 8,980 feet long, 220 feet above the water’s surface, and 746 feet tall. This picture was the original design: The bridge took 12 years to design. They design it in 1921 and finished designing in 1930
Cost of the Golden Gate Bridge It cost $35 million to build plus interest. It would cost $1.2 billion in 2003 dollars. It now costs $7, $6, or $4 to cross the bridge. Their estimated cost was $25 to $35 million to build the bridge initially.
Unique Features It was the longest suspension bridge until the Verrazano-Narrows bridge opened in Ten men died during the construction. On April 2011, 1,929,896,448 cars have traveled across. Night view of the Golden Gate Bridge looks very bright and beautiful.
Our Opinion We think the Golden Gate Bridge was designed and made efficiently. The bridge itself looks very attractive. It’s features and qualities attract tourists. We wouldn’t have changed the design because we think it is already good.
Structural Engineer A structural engineer designs structures such as buildings, bridges, and roadways. They also make blueprints and find possible failures, damages, or defects in a design. To be a structural engineer you need a B.E NG and B.Sc. The skills needed are reading, math, problem solving, time management, science, writing, etc. For a bachelor’s degree, you will need 4-5 years of education. Their salary can be anywhere from 41k-63k a year. On a day-day basis they would design structures on a computer or see how the construction of their design is going. They can also get a more advanced degree for their job or they can also be under the supervision of a more experienced engineer. Our opinion is that they have a very important job. We however wouldn’t be interested in this profession because there is other jobs that we feel like would be better suited for us.
Cargo Bridge 2 levels 1-5 Level 1: I built this bridge like this for it to support the person’s weight Level 2: I built this bridge so that the bottom joint would support the top. Level 3: I didn’t add support on the bottom because the ropes are already holding it up Level 4: One my 1 st bridge, the little hill supported the weight. On the 2 nd one, I did the same as level 3. Level 5: I used steel to support the fat elephant.
Our bridge Information Weighs: grams Length: 40 cm / 15.5 inches Width: 10 cm / 4 inches Height: 10.5 cm / 4.25 inches Cost Calculation: $16.35 We would want our ratios to be low because if it was an efficient bridge and it was low costing, it would be more convenient for the person buying it.
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