Jobs 1 st PA: Building a Stronger Pennsylvania
Data Geek
L&I Philosophy: Using data to drive policy and action
Unemployment Compensation reform: Act 6 and 60 PA Department of Labor & Industry
Average Employer Cost Per Employee
UC Trust Fund Balance (In Millions)
PA Department of Labor & Industry Summit INDUSTRYDisqualified ClaimantsAll Claimants Natural Resources and Mining2% Construction14% Manufacturing9%15% Wholesale and Retail Trade15%13% Transportation and Utilities4%7% Information and Financial Activities5%4% Professional and Business Services19%16% Education and Health Services15% Leisure and Hospitality13%10% Other Services3%2% Public Administration2%1% Data helped determine legislative reform on UC
PA Department of Labor & Industry
Current Economic Situation in PA April unemployment rate at 5.7%, lowest since October ,600 private sector jobs added since Governor Corbett took office in 2011 Labor force tops 6.4 million PA Department of Labor & Industry
Economic Prospectus: A collaboration of L&I and the Department of Community and Economic Development using labor market data to showcase Pennsylvania’s strong and growing economy PA Department of Labor & Industry
Pennsylvania: A Global Economy Ranked 21 st in the world Pennsylvania: A Global Player $600 billion 2012 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Larger than: Sweden $525b Norway $499b Poland $489b 6 th in the U.S.
Nearly $81 billion 2012 Imports Major Imports from: China Canada Nigeria Germany Israel Source: U.S. Census Bureau Nearly $39 billion 2012 Exports Ranks among the Top 10 states in the U.S. Top Exports Include: Nucleic acids Civilian aircraft Vaccines Motorcycles Diesel locomotives Articles of plastic Pennsylvania: A Global Economy Top Imports Include: Crude oil Cellular phones Medicaments Coffee Airplane and helicopter parts Footwear Women’s trousers
Transportation and Infrastructure 5,600 miles of rail lines major ports 250,000 lane miles of highways 6 internation al airports In Pennsylvania, it’s easy and convenient to reach both in- country customers as well as those abroad. 3
Transportation and Infrastructure A keystone to U.S. markets, Pennsylvania is located within 500 miles of 40 percent of the U.S. population and purchasing power, including six of the 10 largest markets and 60 percent of Canada’s population. Strategic Access to U.S. Markets 14 Convenient Location Between the financial markets of New York City and the regulation hub of Washington D.C.
Leading the Way to Energy Independence 2nd in the nation for electricity generation 4th in the nation in energy production 2nd in the nation for natural gas production Home to the 2nd largest energy field in the world 2nd in the nation for nuclear generation 9th in the nation for total solar capacity 15th in the nation in total wind capacity installed 4th in the nation for coal production 19th in the nation for crude oil production
A Game-Changer The Marcellus Shale formation has created tremendous economic opportunities across Pennsylvania. The U.S. Geological Survey recently estimated that the formation contained: 38 trillion cubic feet of recoverable natural gas 940 million barrels of oil, 8 million barrels of natural gas liquids like ethane and propane Beneath the Marcellus is the Utica Shale, with additional gas, oil and liquids. Marcellus Shale, A Game-Changer for the Global Energy Landscape
Tremendous Economic Opportunity Pennsylvania has identified 6 Marcellus Shale-related Core Industries. These industries involve activities in mining, construction and transportation. Marcellus Shale: A Game-Changer for the Global Energy Landscape
PA Department of Labor & Industry Summit
Workforce Development Programs Partnerships for Regional Economic Performance (PREP) and Local Workforce Investment Boards (LWIB) PA Department of Labor & Industry
JOBS1 st PA – Talented Workers
PA Department of Labor & Industry Jobs 1st PA Summit: Building a Stronger Pennsylvania August 25-26, 2014 David A. Lawrence Convention Center Pittsburgh Building on Governor Corbett’s efforts to align education, training and technology resources to better connect talent with employer needs Encouraging conversations, connections and action between our training and educational system with our employers