Alex Gribbin
Air pollution Air quality in downtown Cairo is more than 10 to 10 to 100 times less acceptable than world standards Lack of rain, tall buildings, and narrow streets inhibit ventilation Noise pollution In Cairo noise can reach an average of 90 decibels (dB), comparable to noise level in a factory Water pollution Water deficiency causes sewage water to potentially be used for irrigation Soil contamination Heavy metals and other pollutants from factories have accumulated in the soil Environmental Concerns
Egyptian Ecological Footprint
Petroleum Oil 4.4 million barrel reserve, an increase from the 3.7 barrel reserve in 2010 The Suez Canal and Sumed Pipeline are strategic roots for Persian Gulf oil shipments Natural Gas Rapidly growing natural gas producer Non Renewable Resources
Bees Cultivated since ancient times for wax and honey Papyrus Plant Production of paper Water Nile River can be used for cultivation and production of hydroelectric power Renewable Resources
Plans for the Future
Allison Yang
Demographics Population: 82,079,636 Growth rate: 1.96% 25.2 deaths per 1,000 live births Life Expectancy Almost 50% of the population lives in an urban area Diseases
Culture Mostly religion 99% Middle Eastern and African Literacy Rates Family and Honor Social class Very little social mobility
Lea Serres
Background Information -The Effects of the Egyptian Revolution on Politics
The Effects of the Egyptian Revolution on Politics President Mubarak resigned Supreme Council of the Armed Forces took over Parliament dissolved Constitution suspended Constitutional referendum passed New Prime Minister
Government Classification and Organization -Republic -President -Legislative Branch -Judicial Branch -Military Council
Republic People retain control of government representatives
President Two six-year terms Judiciary supervises elections Appoints a deputy
Legislative Branch Parliament meets annually The Consultative Council Upper House of Parliament Seats voted on and appointed by the President The People’s Assembly Principle legislative body All seats voted on
Judicial Branch Independent branch Secular and religious courts Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt Highest judicial power in Egypt
Military Council Supreme Council of the Armed Forces Chairman: Tantawi Considerably powerful
Foreign Relations Overview League of Arab States
Overview Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty Territorial dispute with Sudan Major influence in region mediator
League of Arab States Secretary General usually Egyptian Regional organization of Arab States In Cairo
Tia Cisterna
Budget -Revenues: $47.66 billion -Expenditures: $65.05 billion *Budget deficit
Gross Domestic Product Year Gross domestic product, current prices Percent Change % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Imports $51.54 billion Exports $25.02 billion Partners US, China, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Saudi Arabia Spain, Italy, US, India, Saudi Arabia, China, Libya, Jordan
Agriculture & Industries - Useable land is only 5% of total land mostly along the fertile Nile River Valley Industries include:
Cairo – capital and largest city – highly urban Developing at a 2.1% annual rate of change ***U.S. – 1.2% a annual rate of change Industrialization Double that of the U.S.
More Statistics & Rankings… Unemployment Rate Poverty Labor Force
Bibliography st/01economy.html st/01economy.html /car021308a.htm /car021308a.htm resources resources resources/ resources/